Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Advance Illustrations on Magnetic Effects and Electromagnetic Induction

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Physics GalaxyFaculty Name: Ashish Arora Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Advance Illustrations on Magnetic Effects and
Electromagnetic Induction By Lecture Notes together!
Electromagnetic Induction By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Magnetic Induction due to a Regular Polygon
Lecture 2: Magnetic Induction due to a Half Tube
Lecture 3: Magnetic Induction due to a Right Angle
Lecture 4: Magnetic Flux Inside a Wire
Lecture 6: Magnetic Induction due to a Tube wih a Slit
Lecture 7: Magnetic Moment of a Half Toroid
Lecture 8: Magnetic Induction due to a Rotating Disc
Lecture 10: Displacement in an Ion Beam
Lecture 11: Motion of Particle in Nonuniform Magnetic Field
Lecture 12: Motion of a Charge in Electromagnetic Field
Lecture 13: Acceleration of a Charge due to a Loop
Lecture 14: Straight Current Terminating in a Plane
Lecture 15: Radial Magnetic Field on a Coil
Lecture 16: Electrons Hitting a Target in Magnetic Field
Lecture 17: Magnetic Impulse on a Wire
Lecture 18: Sliding a Wire by Magnetic Force
Lecture 19: Power Supplied by Electromagnetic Fields
Lecture 20: A Charged Bead in a Circular Loop
Lecture 21: Charge Particle Sliding Inside a Bowl
Lecture 22: Emission of a-Particle in Magnetic Field
Lecture 23: Deviation of Particle in Uniform Magnetic Field
Lecture 24: Cylinder in Equilibrium on Inclined Plane
Lecture 25: Torque on Loop in a Plane Normal to a Long Wire
Lecture 26: Closest Approach Distance from a Wire
Lecture 27: Coil Tipping Over a Surface
Lecture 28: A Suspended Rotating Ring
Lecture 29: Rotating Rod at Uniform Angular Speed
Lecture 30: Induced Current in a Loop in Time Varying MF
Lecture 31: A Coil Over a Solenoid with Varying Current
Lecture 32: Motional EMF in Magnetic Field of a Long Wire
Lecture 33: Current Supply to an Inductor
Lecture 34: Circuit of LC Oscillations-1
Lecture 35: Circuit of LC Oscillations-2
Lecture 36: Force on a Moving Magnet
Lecture 37: Self Induction Coefficient of a Toroid
Lecture 38: Strip Winding to Make a Solenoid
Lecture 39: A Rod Sliding on a Parabola
Lecture 40: Induced Current in a Circuit due to Motional EMF
Lecture 41: Motion EMF in Four Sliding Wires
Lecture 42: Charge Flown Through a Loop During its Rotation
Lecture 43: Rotating Coil in a Time Varying Magnetic Field
Lecture 44: A Rotating Rod in a Circular Loop
Lecture 45: Oscillating Rod in a Capacitive Circuit
Lecture 46: Self Inductance of Toroid of Rectangular Section
Lecture 47: Heat Produced in Loop Placed in Time Varying MF
Lecture 48: A Spiral in Time Varying Magnetic Field
Lecture 49: Equilibrium of a Loop in Magnetic Field
Lecture 50: Magnetic Force on a Wire due to Two Long Wires
Lecture 51: Self Inductance of a Pair of Parallel Strips
Lecture 52: Small Angular Oscillations of a Coil
Lecture 53: Force Exerted by a Proton Beam
Lecture 54: Charge Flows Due Removal of a Magnet
Lecture 55: Self Inductance of a Coaxial Cable
Lecture 56: Sudden Change in Inductance of a Coil
Lecture 57: Current Induced in a Super Conducting Ring
Lecture 58: Making a Solenoid by a Copper Wire
Lecture 59: Transient Analysis of a Circuit with Inductors
Lecture 60: Magnetic Energy Inside a Long Rotating Cylinder
Lecture 61: Interaction Energy of Two Small Coils
Lecture 62: Current Amplitude in a Capacitive Loop
Lecture 63: Coupling Coefficient for a Pair of Coils
Lecture 64: Radial Force on a Ring Inside a Solenoid
Lecture 65: Transient Analysis of LR Circuit
Lecture 66: Heat Generated in LR Circuit