Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Java
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Youtube Lecture Playlist Credits:
Channel Name: Java by Saurabh Shukla Sir
Faculty Name: Saurabh Shukla Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Java By Lecture Notes together!

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Lecture 1: Lecture 1 Introduction to JAVA
Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Installation of JAVA
Lecture 3: Lecture 3 First Program in Java
Lecture 4: Lecture 4 Data Types and Keywords in Java
Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Type Conversion in Java
Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Classes and Objects in Java
Lecture 7: Lecture 7 Static Members in Java
Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Wrapper Classes in Java
Lecture 9: Lecture 9 Command Line Arguments in Java
Lecture 10: Lecture 10 Packages in Java
Lecture 11: Lecture 11 Use of import in Java
Lecture 12: Lecture 12 Access Modifiers in Java
Lecture 13: Lecture 13 Constructor in Java
Lecture 14: Lecture 14 Inheritance in Java
Lecture 15: Lecture 15 Initialization block in Java
Lecture 16: Lecture 16 Overloading and Overriding in Java
Lecture 17: Lecture 17 final keyword in Java
Lecture 18: Lecture 18 this Keyword in Java
Lecture 19: Lecture 19 super keyword in Java
Lecture 20: Lecture 20 static members in inheritance in Java
Lecture 21: Lecture 21 Constructor in inheritance in Java
Lecture 22: Lecture 22 Constructor Chaining in Java
Lecture 23: Lecture 23 Abstract class in Java
Lecture 24: Lecture 24 Abstract Method in Java
Lecture 25: Lecture 25 Interface in Java
Lecture 27: Lecture 27 Taking Input from Keyboard in Java
Lecture 28: Lecture 28 Arrays in Java
Lecture 29: Lecture 29 Two Dimensional Arrays in Java
Lecture 30: Lecture 30 String Class in Java
Lecture 31: Lecture 31 String methods in Java
Lecture 33: Lecture 33 Unchecked Exception Handling in Java
Lecture 34: Lecture 34 Explicit throw an exception in java
Lecture 36: Lecture 36 Introduction to Threads in Java
Lecture 38: Lecture 38 Threads using Thread Class in Java
Lecture 39: Lecture 39 Thread States in Java
Lecture 40: Lecture 40 Thread Priority in Java
Lecture 42: Lecture 42 Introduction to file handling in Java
Lecture 43: Lecture 43 File class in Java
Lecture 48: Lecture 48 Garbage Collection in Java
Lecture 49: Lecture 49 Finalize method in Javabr
Lecture 50: Lecture 50 Introduction to GUI in Java
Lecture 51: Lecture 51 Introduction to Applet in Java
Lecture 52: Lecture 52 Life Cycle of an Applet in Java
Lecture 54: Lecture 54 Event Handling in an Applet in Java
Lecture 57: Lecture 57 Inner class or Nested class in Java
Lecture 58: Lecture 58 Anonymous class in Java
Lecture 59: Lecture 59 Generic Methods in Java
Lecture 60: Lecture 60 Generic Class in Java
Lecture 63: Lecture 63 LinkedList, Vector and Stack in Java
Lecture 64: Lecture 64 Cursors in Java
Lecture 65: Lecture 65 HashSet and LinkedHashSet in Java
Lecture 66: Lecture 66 SortedSet and NavigableSet in Java
Lecture 67: Lecture 67 TreeSet in Java part 1 of 3
Lecture 68: Lecture 67 TreeSet in Java part 2 of 3
Lecture 69: Lecture 67 TreeSet in Java part 3 of 3
Lecture 70: Lecture 68 Queue and Map in Java
Lecture 73: Lecture 70 Introduction of Swing in Java
Lecture 74: Lecture 71 Swing Example Program in Java
Lecture 75: Lecture 72 Event Handling in Swing in Java