Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Calculus - Hyperbolic Functions

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Calculus - Hyperbolic Functions By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is a Hyperbolic Function? Part 1
Lecture 2: What is a Hyperbolic Function? Part 2
Lecture 3: What is a Hyperbolic Function? Part 3
Lecture 4: Finding Area Part 1
Lecture 5: Finding Area Part 2
Lecture 6: Graphical Representation of cosh(x)
Lecture 7: Graphical Representation of sinh(x)
Lecture 8: Graphical Representation of tanh(x)
Lecture 9: Graphical Representation of coth(x)
Lecture 10: Graphical Representation of All
Lecture 11: Basic Hyperbolic Function Identities Part 1
Lecture 12: Basic Hyperbolic Function Identities Part 2
Lecture 13: Determine sinh(2x)=? and cosh(2x)=?
Lecture 14: Determine cosh(x+y)=?
Lecture 15: Determine sinh(x+y)=?
Lecture 16: Determine cosh(-x)=cosh(x)...Etc...
Lecture 17: Determine (cosh x)^2=?
Lecture 18: Determine (sinh x)^2=?
Lecture 19: Find the derivative of (sinh x)=?
Lecture 20: Find the derivative of (cosh x)=?
Lecture 21: Find the derivative of (tanh x)=?
Lecture 22: Find the derivative of (coth x)=?
Lecture 23: Find the derivative of (sech x)=?
Lecture 24: Find the derivative of (csch x)=?
Lecture 25: Summary of all the Derivatives
Lecture 27: 1st and 2nd Derivative of Hyperbolic Functions
Lecture 28: Integral of Hyperbolic Functions
Lecture 29: What are Inverse Hyperbolic Functions?
Lecture 30: Why Do We Need Inverse Hyperbolic Functions?
Lecture 31: Finding the Derivative of arc(sinhx)=?
Lecture 32: Finding arc(coshx)=?
Lecture 33: Finding the Derivative of arc(coshx)=?
Lecture 34: Finding arc(tanhx)=?
Lecture 35: Finding the Derivative of arc(tanhx)=?
Lecture 36: Finding arc(cothx)=?
Lecture 37: Finding the Derivative of arc(cothx)=?
Lecture 38: Finding arc(cschx)=?
Lecture 39: Finding the Derivative of arc(cschx)=?
Lecture 40: Finding arc(sechx)=?
Lecture 41: Finding the Derivative of arc(sechx)=?
Lecture 42: Integral Tables
Lecture 43: Derivative of arc(tanh4x)=?
Lecture 44: Derivative of (x^2)arc(sinhx)=?
Lecture 45: Solving Definite Integral
Lecture 46: What is a Catenary? Part 1of 4
Lecture 47: What is a Catenary? Part 2 of 4
Lecture 48: What is a Catenary? Part 3 of 4
Lecture 49: What is a Catenary? Part 4 of 4
Lecture 50: What is a Catenary? Summary
Lecture 51: The Catenary Example 1
Lecture 52: The Catenary Example 2
Lecture 53: The Catenary Example 3
Lecture 54: The Catenary Example 4
Lecture 55: The Catenary Example 4 (Solve with Calculus)
Lecture 56: Velocity of Ocean Waves
Lecture 57: Velocity of Ocean Waves: Example