Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Calculus - Polar Coordinates

So Let Us Start to This Journey of
Calculus - Polar Coordinates
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What are Polar Coordinates?
Lecture 2: Converting to Polar Coordinates
Lecture 3: Why Use Polar Coordinates?
Lecture 4: Graph r=2cos(theta)
Lecture 5: Graph r=1+sin(theta)
Lecture 6: Finding the Derivative of a Polar Function
Lecture 7: Find the Derivative dy/dx
Lecture 9: Examples of Polar Graphs r=asin(k*theta)
Lecture 10: Examples of Polar Graphs r=acos(k*theta)
Lecture 11: Examples of Polar Graphs r=1+csin(theta)
Lecture 12: Find the Polar Equations
Lecture 13: How to Find the Slope of a Function
Lecture 14: How to Find the Slope of a Function Ex 1
Lecture 15: How to Find the Slope of a Function Ex 2
Lecture 16: How to Find the Location(s) where Slope=0
Lecture 17: How to Find the Location(s) where Slope=0 Ex.
Lecture 18: The Slope of a Circle
Lecture 19: Area Bounded by a Polar Curve
Lecture 20: Area Bounded by a Polar Curve Ex 1
Lecture 21: Area Bounded by a Polar Curve Ex 2
Lecture 22: Area Bounded by a Polar Curve Ex 3
Lecture 23: Area Bounded by a Polar Curve Ex 4
Lecture 24: Area Bounded by a Polar Curve Ex 5
Lecture 25: Find the Points of Intersection Ex 1
Lecture 26: Find the Points of Intersection Ex 2
Lecture 27: Find the Points of Intersection Ex 3
Lecture 28: Length Defined by Parametric Equations
Lecture 29: Length Defined by Parametric Equations Part 2
Lecture 30: Length of a Polar Curve
Lecture 31: Length of a Polar Curve Example 1
Lecture 32: Length of a Polar Curve Example 2
Lecture 33: Length of a Polar Curve Example 3
Lecture 34: Length of a Polar Curve Example 4
Lecture 35: Area Between 2 Curves=? Ex. 1
Lecture 36: Area Between 2 Curves=? Ex. 2
Lecture 37: The Grazing Goat Problem
Lecture 38: Area Between 2 Curves=?