Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Calculus - Triple Integrals

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Calculus - Triple Integrals
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is a Triple Integral?
Lecture 2: Choosing a Coordinate System: Cartesian
Lecture 3: Choosing a Coordinate System: Cylindrical
Lecture 4: Choosing a Coordinate System: Spherical
Lecture 10: Volume of a Rotated Curve: Method 3: Washer
Lecture 12: Finding the Volume Using Cylindrical Coordinates
Lecture 13: Finding the Mass (Variable Density): Cylindrical
Lecture 15: What is a Solid Angle?
Lecture 16: What is a Steradian?
Lecture 17: Calculate the Angle of a Steradian
Lecture 18: Finding the Volume of a Section: Ex. 1
Lecture 19: Finding the Volume of a Section: Ex. 2
Lecture 20: Finding the Volume of a Right Circular Cone
Lecture 21: Finding the Volume of a Partial Cylinder
Lecture 24: Finding the Centroid: Center of Mass
Lecture 25: Finding the Volume Slice (CORRECT ANSWER)