Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Differential Equation - 2nd Order A Complete Overview

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
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Differential Equation - 2nd Order A Complete Overview
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: The Characteristic Equation
Lecture 3: The Harmonic Oscillator
Lecture 4: The Mechanical - Electrical Equivalence
Lecture 5: Linear vs NON-Linear 2nd Order Diff. Eqn.
Lecture 6: The Superposition Principle
Lecture 7: The Superposition Principle: Example
Lecture 8: The Initial Value Problem
Lecture 9: The Initial Value Problem: Example 1
Lecture 10: The Initial Value Problem: Example 2
Lecture 11: The Linearly Independent Solution
Lecture 13: Wronskian Test for Independence
Lecture 14: The Characteristic Eqn. - 2 Real Roots: Ex. 1
Lecture 15: The Characteristic Eqn. - 2 Real Roots: Ex. 2
Lecture 16: The Characteristic Eqn. - 2 Real Roots: Ex. 3
Lecture 17: The Characteristic Eqn. - Real Repeated Roots
Lecture 21: Constant Coeff. w/ Complex Roots: Another Look
Lecture 22: Constant Coeff. w/ Complex Roots: Example 1
Lecture 23: Constant Coeff. w/ Complex Roots: Example 2
Lecture 24: Constant Coeff. w/ Complex Roots: Example 3
Lecture 25: Constant Coeff. w/ Complex Roots: Example 4
Lecture 26: General Solution y(t)=? When y-term is Missing
Lecture 28: y(t)=? When y-term is Missing; Summary
Lecture 29: Initial Value Problem vs Boundary Value Problem
Lecture 30: Initial Value Problem
Lecture 31: General Approach to Find y(t)=? (Missing y-term)
Lecture 32: Abel's Theorem
Lecture 33: Abel's Theorem: Example
Lecture 34: Summary of Solution (2nd Order Homogen D. E.)
Lecture 35: Summary of Solution: Ex. Case 1
Lecture 36: Summary of Solution: Ex. Case 2 B^2-4ac=0
Lecture 37: Summary of Solution: Ex. Case 3
Lecture 38: Sovling Non-Homog. 2nd Ord. Diff. Eqn. Overview
Lecture 39: Method of Undetermined Coefficient
Lecture 40: Method of Undetermined Coefficient: Ex. 1
Lecture 41: Method of Undetermined Coefficient: Ex. 2
Lecture 42: Method of Undetermined Coefficient: Ex. 3
Lecture 43: General Principle of Superposition
Lecture 44: Method of Undetermined Coefficients
Lecture 45: Method of Undetermined Coefficients: g(t)=Sums
Lecture 46: Method of Undetermined Coefficients: Part 1
Lecture 47: Method of Undetermined Coefficients: Part 2
Lecture 48: Method of Undetermined Coefficients: g(t)=Prod.
Lecture 49: Method of Variation of Parameters
Lecture 50: Method of Variation of Parameters: Part 1/4
Lecture 51: Method of Variation of Parameters: Part 2/4
Lecture 52: Method of Variation of Parameters: Part 3/4
Lecture 53: Method of Variation of Parameters: Part 4/4
Lecture 54: Method of Variation of Parameters: Ex. 1
Lecture 55: Method of Undetermine Coeff.: Ex.
Lecture 56: Method of Variation of Parameters: Ex. 2
Lecture 57: Method of Variation of Parameters: Ex. 3
Lecture 58: Method of Variation of Parameters: Ex. 4
Lecture 59: Laplace Transform (Homog. Eqn.)
Lecture 60: Laplace Transform (NON-Homog. Eqn.)
Lecture 61: Methods to Solve Diff. Eqn. w/ Variable Coeff.
Lecture 62: Missing y-Term w/ Variable Coeff. (Homog. Eq)
Lecture 63: Missing y-Term w/ Variable Coeff (NON-Homog)
Lecture 64: Reduction Method - General Method
Lecture 65: Reduction Method: Example
Lecture 66: Euler Eqn. (Cauchy Eqn.) General Case
Lecture 67: Euler Eqn. (Cauchy Eqn.): Ex. 1
Lecture 68: Euler Eqn. (Cauchy Eqn.): Ex. 2
Lecture 69: Euler Eqn. (Cauchy Eqn.): Ex. 3***