Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Linear Algebra 2: Determinants

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Linear Algebra 2: Determinants
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is a Determinant? (Part 1)
Lecture 2: What is a Determinant? (Part 2)
Lecture 3: What is a Determinant? (Part 3)
Lecture 4: What is a Determinant? (Part 4)
Lecture 5: Rules of a Determinant?
Lecture 6: Example of Rule 1: Multiplying by a Constant
Lecture 9: Example of Rule 3: Distributive Property
Lecture 11: Example of Rule 5: Inverse of a Matrix
Lecture 12: Example of Rule 6: |BAB^-1|=|A|
Lecture 13: Example of Rule 7: Transpose of a Matrixv
Lecture 14: Example of Rule 8: The Conjugate of a Matrix
Lecture 15: Example of Rule 9: Identical Rows
Lecture 16: Example of Rule 10: Row of Zeros
Lecture 17: Example of Rule 11: Dependent Rows
Lecture 18: Example of Rule 12: Non-Invertible Matrix
Lecture 19: Example of Rule 13: Invertible Matrix
Lecture 20: The Minor of a Matrix (3x3)
Lecture 21: The Minor of a Matrix (4x4)
Lecture 22: The Cofactor of a Matrix
Lecture 23: Non-Invertible Matrix: Example
Lecture 24: Lambda=? of det(A(Lambda(I))=0
Lecture 25: Lambda=? of det(A(Lambda(I))=0
Lecture 26: Product of Determinants: 2x2
Lecture 27: 3 Ways of Finding the Determinants: 3x3
Lecture 28: 3 MORE Ways of Finding the Determinants: 3x3
Lecture 29: Product of Determinants: 3x3
Lecture 30: Rule of Addition: 2x2 Determinants
Lecture 31: Multiplying by a Constant: 2x2 Determinants
Lecture 32: Determinant of a [3x1]x[1x3]=?
Lecture 37: Find Determinan=? by Reducing to Echleon Form: 5
Lecture 38: Using the Product Rule (and Others)
Lecture 39: Determinant of Matrices with A lot of Zeros
Lecture 40: Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Unique Solution
Lecture 41: Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Infinite Solutions
Lecture 42: Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Inconsistent Solution
Lecture 43: x=? y=? Using Crammer's Rule
Lecture 44: x1=? x2=? x3=? Using Crammer's Rule 3x3 Matrix
Lecture 45: Find Inverse Using the Adjugate Matrix (3x3)
Lecture 46: Find Inverse Using the Adjugate Matrix (2x2)
Lecture 47: Area of Parallelogram=? (Using Matrices)
Lecture 48: Method of Least Squares