Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Standard Units in Physics

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Standard Units in Physics
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: MKS (Meters, Kilograms, Seconds)
Lecture 2: Length in MKS, Imperial, and Maritime
Lecture 3: Maritime and Imperial Unit "Equivalence" 1
Lecture 4: Maritime and Imperial Unit "Equivalence" 2
Lecture 5: Standard Units in Mechanics
Lecture 6: Standard Units: Rotational Motion
Lecture 7: Stress and Strarin
Lecture 8: Units and Fluid
Lecture 9: The Wave Equation
Lecture 10: Sound
Lecture 11: Heat
Lecture 12: Specific Heat and Molar Heat Capacity
Lecture 13: Conduction, Thermal Conductivity, R-Rating
Lecture 14: The Ideal Gas Law
Lecture 15: Unit of Charge & Coulomb's Law
Lecture 16: The Electric Field
Lecture 17: Electric P.E. & Electrical Potential
Lecture 18: Electric Flux
Lecture 19: Capacitance
Lecture 20: Current, Resistivity, & Ohm's Law
Lecture 21: Magnetic Field
Lecture 22: Magnetic Flux
Lecture 23: Magnetic Field 2
Lecture 24: Mutual & Self Inductance
Lecture 25: Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
Lecture 26: Energy in a L-C Circuit
Lecture 27: Reactance
Lecture 28: Power Dissipated in a Resistor
Lecture 29: Speed of Light
Lecture 30: E & M Waves
Lecture 31: The Poynting Vector
Lecture 32: Momentum Density of E&M Waves
Lecture 33: Flow Rate of E&M Momentum
Lecture 34: Energy in Special Relativity
Lecture 35: Energy & Momentum in a Photon
Lecture 36: The de Broglie Wavelength
Lecture 37: Planck Radiation (Black Body Radiation)
Lecture 38: Stefan Boltzmann Law
Lecture 39: What is an Electron Volt (eV)?
Lecture 40: What is the Decay Rate?
Lecture 41: What is the Atomic Mass Unit?