Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Chemistry - Molecular Structure

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Chemistry - Molecular Structure
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Basic Shapes - Linear
Lecture 2: VSEPR Notation
Lecture 3: Basic Shapes - Planar
Lecture 4: Basic Shapes - Tetrahedral Molecules
Lecture 6: Basic Shapes - Octahedral Molecules
Lecture 10: Basic Shapes-Octahedral with Free Electron Pairs
Lecture 11: Basic Shapes - Predict the Shape of ICl4(-)
Lecture 12: Basic Shapes - Predict the Shape of H2CO
Lecture 13: Basic Shapes - Predict the Shape of AsH3
Lecture 14: Basic Shapes - Predict the Shape of AlCl4(-).
Lecture 15: Basic Shapes - Predict the Shape of C2H4
Lecture 16: Dipole Moment - Basics
Lecture 17: Dipole Moment - and the Electric Field - Basics
Lecture 18: Dipole Moment on a Linear Molecule - Basics
Lecture 19: Dipole Moment on a Linear Molecule - Basics 2
Lecture 20: Dipole Moment of a Non-Linear Molecule
Lecture 21: Bonding Theory - Basics - Hydrogen - H2
Lecture 22: Bonding Theory - Basics - Methane -CH4
Lecture 23: Valance Bond Method
Lecture 24: The Sigma Bond
Lecture 25: The Pi Bond
Lecture 26: Sigma(s-s) Bond - Example
Lecture 27: Sigma(p-p) Bond - Example
Lecture 28: Sigma(s-p) Bond - Example
Lecture 29: Pi Bond - Example
Lecture 30: Double Pi Bond - Example
Lecture 31: What is Hybridization?
Lecture 32: s-p2 Hybridization - Boron Trifloride, BF3
Lecture 33: s-p3 Hybridization - Methane - CH4
Lecture 35: s-p3-d2 Hybridization - Sulfur Hexafloride - SF6
Lecture 36: Hybridization Summary
Lecture 37: Hybridization and the Double Bond
Lecture 38: Hybridization and the Triple Bond (2 Pi-Bonds)
Lecture 41: Delocalized Molecular Orbitals - Benzene - C6H6
Lecture 42: Molecular Orbital Theory (Bond Order) - H and He
Lecture 43: Molecular Orbital Theory (Bond Order) 2 - Li