Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Fluid Statics

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Fluid Statics
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Pressure in a Fluid
Lecture 2: Gauge Pressure VS Total Pressure
Lecture 3: Force Against A Wall Under Water
Lecture 4: Calculating the Torque on a Submerged Gate
Lecture 5: Pascal's Principle: Hydraulic Pump
Lecture 6: T Pascal's Principle: Force on Barrel
Lecture 7: The Barometer
Lecture 8: Pressure Gauge
Lecture 9: Buoyancy Force
Lecture 10: Archimede's Principle: Density of an Object
Lecture 11: Archimede's Principle: Density of an Object
Lecture 12: What is Surface Tension?
Lecture 13: The "Floating" Needle
Lecture 14: The "Walking" on Water Water-Bug
Lecture 15: The "Floating" Paper-Clip
Lecture 16: Surface Tension: What Causes Capillary Action?
Lecture 18: Capillary Action: Example 2 (Mercury)
Lecture 19: Surface Tension: Pressure in a Drop (of Water)
Lecture 20: Surface Tension: Pressure in a Soap Bubble
Lecture 21: Surface Tension: Measuring Surface Tension
Lecture 22: Surface Tension: Between Two Surfaces
Lecture 23: Surface Tension: Effects of Soap and Heat