Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Resistivity and Resistance

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Resistivity and Resistance
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 2: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 3: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 4: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 5: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 6: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 7: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 8: Resistivity and Resistance
Lecture 9: Resistance of a Truncated Cone
Lecture 10: Resistor Color Code Explained
Lecture 11: Power Dissipation with Changing Currents
Lecture 12: Current Density of a Conductor
Lecture 13: Resistivity in Light Bulbs
Lecture 14: Resistance Between 2 Concentric Spheres
Lecture 15: Resistance Between 2 Concentric Spheres
Lecture 16: Resistance of a Cylinder with Cut-Out
Lecture 17: Resistivity and Temperature
Lecture 18: R=? of a 50m Copper Wire at T=0C and 100C
Lecture 19: What is Super Conductivity?
Lecture 20: Super Conductivity at a Quantum Mechanic State
Lecture 21: # of Collision per Second = ?
Lecture 22: V=? Between 2 pts on a Conductor with Current
Lecture 23: V=? Where L=50m, D=1.02mm, and I=5A
Lecture 24: How to Minimize Voltage Drop?
Lecture 25: Current in an Incomplete Circuit
Lecture 26: What is an Electromotive "Force", EMF