Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Diffraction of Light

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Diffraction of Light
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: The Thin Slit
Lecture 2: The Diffraction Grating
Lecture 3: The Diffraction Grating
Lecture 4: Circular Diffraction Patterns
Lecture 5: Basics
Lecture 6: Basics 2: What Causes Diffraction?
Lecture 7: Location of 1st Minimum=?
Lecture 8: Location of 1st Maximum=?
Lecture 9: Locations of 2nd & 3rd Max & Min = ?
Lecture 10: What Causes Intensity Diffraction Patterns?
Lecture 11: Electric Field Amplitude = ?
Lecture 12: Intensity=? General Case
Lecture 13: Angular Size of the Central Maximum
Lecture 14: Angular Size as a Function of Slit Width
Lecture 15: Angular Size of Central Maximum
Lecture 16: Intensity=? Caused by Interference & Diffract
Lecture 17: Location of Intensity = ?
Lecture 18: Location of Intensities = ?
Lecture 19: Location of Intensities = ? Anywhere
Lecture 20: Basics
Lecture 21: Distances=? Between Slits
Lecture 22: Distances=? to 1st & 2nd Maxima
Lecture 23: Orders of the Diffraction Grating
Lecture 24: Velocity=? of Redshifted Galaxy
Lecture 25: Resolving Power=? of Diffraction Grating
Lecture 26: Rayleigh's Criteria for Resolution
Lecture 27: Introduction
Lecture 28: The Equation
Lecture 29: Resolution Power of the Human Eye
Lecture 30: Can We See Hair on the Floor?
Lecture 31: Resolution of the Hubble
Lecture 32: Rayleigh's Criterion