Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Particle Physics

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Particle Physics
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: The Atom: "What Is It?"
Lecture 2: The Structure of Atoms
Lecture 3: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
Lecture 4: The Pion: What Is It?
Lecture 5: The 4 Fundamental Forces of Nature
Lecture 6: The Nuclear Strong Force
Lecture 7: The Electromagnetic Force
Lecture 8: The Weak Force
Lecture 9: The Gravitational Force
Lecture 12: Elementary Particles: What Are Leptons?
Lecture 13: Elementary Particles: What Is A Quark? (Part 1)
Lecture 14: Elementary Particles: What Is A Quark? (Part 2)
Lecture 17: What is a Photon?
Lecture 18: What is a Photon? 2. Quantum jumps in an Atom
Lecture 20: What is a Photon? 4. Pair Production
Lecture 21: What is a Photon? 5. Photon Mass (or No Mass)
Lecture 22: What is a Photon? 6. Gravitational Redshift
Lecture 23: What is a Photon? 7. Cosmic Microwave Background
Lecture 24: What is a Photon? 8. How Are X-Rays Produced?
Lecture 25: What is a Photon? 9. Compton Scattering
Lecture 26: What is a Photon? 10. Momentum and Velocity
Lecture 29: What is a Photon? 13. Mie Scattering
Lecture 35: What is a Photon? 19. The Magnetic Field Effect
Lecture 36: What is a Photon? 20. The Electric Field
Lecture 40: What is a Photon? 24. Atmospheric CO2 Atmosphere