Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Thick Lenses

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Thick Lenses
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: The Principal Plane
Lecture 2: The Nodal Points
Lecture 3: The Different Types of Thick Lenses
Lecture 4: The Location of the Principal Planes
Lecture 6: The Effective Focal Length
Lecture 10: Newton's Lens Equation Graphically
Lecture 11: Thick Lens: Example
Lecture 12: Principal Planes Are Conjugate
Lecture 13: The Effective Focal Length of a Double Lens
Lecture 14: Ray Tracing Through a Thick Lens
Lecture 15: The Transfer Equation
Lecture 16: Refracting Equation Across the Back Boundary
Lecture 17: How Do Refracting and Transfer Equations Work?
Lecture 18: The Matrix Method of Lens Analysis
Lecture 19: The Matrix of the Transfer Equation
Lecture 20: Matrix Format of a Ray Through a Thick Lens
Lecture 21: Example of the Matrix Method
Lecture 22: The System Matrix
Lecture 23: The System Matrix Analyzed
Lecture 24: The System Matrix: Example 1
Lecture 25: Find All 6 Transfer Matrices
Lecture 26: Find All 7 Refracting Matrices
Lecture 27: Calculate (part of) the System Matrix***