Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Quadratic equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy

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Quadratic equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
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Lecture 1: Completing the square for vertex form
Lecture 2: Solving a quadratic equation by factoring
Lecture 4: Solving quadratic equations by square roots
Lecture 5: Example 2: Completing the square
Lecture 6: Graphing a parabola in vertex form
Lecture 7: CA Algebra I: Completing the square
Lecture 8: Completing the square for quadratic formula
Lecture 9: Shifting and scaling parabolas
Lecture 10: Example 2: Using the quadratic formula
Lecture 11: Algebra II: Quadratics and shifts
Lecture 12: Introduction to the quadratic equation
Lecture 13: Finding the vertex of a parabola example
Lecture 14: CA Algebra I: Factoring quadratics
Lecture 15: Graphing a parabola using roots and vertex
Lecture 16: Solving a quadratic by factoring
Lecture 17: Quadratic inequality example
Lecture 18: Example 4: Applying the quadratic formula
Lecture 19: Parabola intuition example 1
Lecture 21: Example: Solving simple quadratic
Lecture 22: Finding dimensions of triangle from area
Lecture 23: Example 3: Completing the square
Lecture 25: Example 1: Completing the square
Lecture 26: Examples: Graphing and interpreting quadratics
Lecture 27: Example 3: Using the quadratic formula
Lecture 28: Quadratic inequality example 2
Lecture 29: Example 5: Using the quadratic formula
Lecture 31: Parabola vertex and axis of symmetry
Lecture 33: Modeling mosquitos with quadratics
Lecture 34: How to use the quadratic formula
Lecture 35: Example 1: Using the quadratic formula
Lecture 36: Determining mistakes in steps example
Lecture 37: Quadratic formula (proof)
Lecture 38: Order of steps exercise example
Lecture 39: Graphing a parabola with a table of values
Lecture 40: Proof of quadratic formula
Lecture 41: CA Algebra I: Quadratic equation
Lecture 42: Example: Quadratics in standard form
Lecture 43: Dimensions from volume of box
Lecture 44: Quadratic inequalities (visual explanation)
Lecture 45: Quadratic equation part 2