Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Trig identities and examples | Trigonometry | Khan Academy

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Trig identities and examples | Trigonometry | Khan Academy
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Proof of angle addition formula for cosine
Lecture 2: Sine of non special angle
Lecture 4: Law of cosines for star distance
Lecture 5: Proof: Law of sines
Lecture 6: Periodicity of tan example
Lecture 7: Double angle formula for cosine example
Lecture 8: Trig challenge problem: area of a hexagon
Lecture 9: Law of cosines to determine grade
Lecture 10: IIT JEE trigonometric constraints
Lecture 11: Pythagorean trig identity from soh cah toa
Lecture 12: Law of sines for missing angle
Lecture 14: Proof of angle addition formula for sine
Lecture 15: Law of sines | Trig identities and examples
Lecture 16: IIT JEE trigonometry problem 1
Lecture 18: Trigonometric system example
Lecture 19: Law of cosines
Lecture 21: Trigonometry identity review/fun
Lecture 22: Relating trig function through angle rotations
Lecture 23: Cosine addition identity example
Lecture 24: Unit circle symmetries for tan
Lecture 25: Pythagorean trig identity from unit circle
Lecture 26: Proof of the law of cosines
Lecture 27: Applying angle addition formula for sin
Lecture 28: Trig challenge problem: area of a triangle
Lecture 29: Using the Pythagorean trig identity
Lecture 30: Symmetry of trig values
Lecture 31: IIT JEE trigonometric maximum
Lecture 32: Angle addition formula with cosine