Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Alternate coordinate systems (bases) | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy

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Alternate coordinate systems (bases) | Linear Algebra | Khan Academy
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Lecture 1: Eigenvalues of a 3x3 matrix
Lecture 2: Change of basis matrix
Lecture 3: Finding eigenvectors and eigenspaces example
Lecture 5: Projections onto subspaces
Lecture 6: Introduction to orthonormal bases
Lecture 11: Orthogonal complement of the nullspace
Lecture 13: Least squares approximation
Lecture 14: Introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Lecture 15: Transformation matrix with respect to a basis
Lecture 16: Orthogonal complements
Lecture 17: Subspace projection matrix example
Lecture 18: Another least squares example
Lecture 20: Coordinates with respect to orthonormal bases
Lecture 21: Another example of a projection matrix
Lecture 22: Gram-Schmidt example with 3 basis vectors
Lecture 23: Projection is closest vector in subspace
Lecture 25: Unique rowspace solution to Ax = b
Lecture 27: Alternate basis transformation matrix example
Lecture 28: Invertible change of basis matrix
Lecture 29: dim(v) + dim(orthogonal complement of v) = n
Lecture 31: Rowspace solution to Ax = b example
Lecture 32: The Gram-Schmidt process
Lecture 33: Proof of formula for determining eigenvalues
Lecture 34: Gram-Schmidt process example
Lecture 35: Visualizing a projection onto a plane
Lecture 36: Coordinates with respect to a basis
Lecture 38: Orthogonal matrices preserve angles and lengths