Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Measurement and geometry | 3rd Grade | Khan Academy

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Measurement and geometry | 3rd Grade | Khan Academy
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Mass problems
Lecture 2: Introduction to perimeter
Lecture 3: Introduction to area and unit squares
Lecture 4: Comparing areas of plots of land
Lecture 5: Telling time problems with number line
Lecture 7: Introduction to types of quadrilaterals
Lecture 8: Solving problems with pictographs 2
Lecture 9: Telling time exercise example 1
Lecture 11: Marking data on line plots
Lecture 12: Area of rectangles and the distributive property
Lecture 13: More solving problems with bar graphs
Lecture 14: Telling time exercise example 2
Lecture 16: Arithmetic word problems with volume
Lecture 17: Liter intuition
Lecture 18: Comparing areas and perimeters of rectangles
Lecture 19: Perimeter of a shape
Lecture 20: Calculating the square footage of a house
Lecture 21: Intuition for grams