Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Data Structures

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: WilliamFiset
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Data Structures
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Data structures introduction
Lecture 2: Abstract data types
Lecture 3: Introduction to Big-O
Lecture 4: Dynamic and Static Arrays
Lecture 5: Dynamic Array Code
Lecture 6: Linked Lists Introduction
Lecture 7: Doubly Linked List Code
Lecture 8: Stack Introduction
Lecture 9: Stack Implementation
Lecture 10: Stack Code
Lecture 11: Queue Introduction
Lecture 12: Queue Implementation
Lecture 13: Queue Code
Lecture 14: Priority Queue Introduction
Lecture 15: Priority Queue Min Heaps and Max Heaps
Lecture 16: Priority Queue Inserting Elements
Lecture 17: Priority Queue Removing Elements
Lecture 18: Priority Queue Code
Lecture 19: Union Find Introduction
Lecture 20: Union Find Kruskal's Algorithm
Lecture 21: Union Find - Union and Find Operations
Lecture 22: Union Find Path Compression
Lecture 23: Union Find Code
Lecture 24: Binary Search Tree Introduction
Lecture 25: Binary Search Tree Insertion
Lecture 26: Binary Search Tree Removal
Lecture 27: Binary Search Tree Traversals
Lecture 28: Binary Search Tree Code
Lecture 29: Hash table hash function
Lecture 30: Hash table separate chaining
Lecture 31: Hash table separate chaining source code
Lecture 32: Hash table open addressing
Lecture 33: Hash table linear probing
Lecture 34: Hash table quadratic probing
Lecture 35: Hash table double hashing
Lecture 36: Hash table open addressing removing
Lecture 37: Hash table open addressing code
Lecture 38: Fenwick Tree range queries
Lecture 39: Fenwick Tree point updates
Lecture 40: Fenwick Tree construction
Lecture 41: Fenwick tree source code
Lecture 42: Suffix array introduction
Lecture 43: Longest Common Prefix (LCP) array
Lecture 44: Suffix array finding unique substrings
Lecture 45: Longest common substring problem suffix array
Lecture 47: Longest Repeated Substring suffix array
Lecture 48: Balanced binary search tree rotations
Lecture 49: AVL tree insertion
Lecture 50: AVL tree removals
Lecture 51: AVL tree source code
Lecture 52: Indexed Priority Queue (UPDATED)
Lecture 53: Indexed Priority Queue
Lecture 54: Sparse Table Data Structure
Lecture 55: Sparse Table Data Structure