Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on MIT 8.01SC Classical Mechanics, Fall 2016
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MIT 8.01SC Classical Mechanics, Fall 2016 By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 110: PS.6.1 Rocket Sled - Differential Equation
Lecture 111: PS.6.1 Rocket Sled - Integrate the Rocket Equation
Lecture 112: PS.6.1 Rocket Sled - Solve for Initial Velocity
Lecture 113: PS.6.2 Snowplow Problem
Lecture 114: 20.0 Week 7 Introduction
Lecture 115: 20.1 Kinetic Energy
Lecture 116: 20.2 Work by a Constant Force
Lecture 117: 20.3 Work by a Non-Constant Force
Lecture 118: 20.4 Integrate adt and adx
Lecture 119: 20.5 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
Lecture 120: 20.6 Power
Lecture 121: 21.1 Scalar Product Properties
Lecture 122: 21.2 Scalar Product in Cartesian Coordinates
Lecture 123: 21.3 Kinetic Energy as a Scalar Product
Lecture 124: 21.4 Work in 2D and 3D
Lecture 125: 21.5 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem in 2D and 3D
Lecture 126: 21.6 Worked Example: Block Going Down a Ramp
Lecture 127: 22.1 Path Independence - Gravity
Lecture 128: 22.2 Path Dependence - Friction
Lecture 129: 22.3 Conservative Forces
Lecture 130: 22.4 Non-conservative Forces
Lecture 131: 22.5 Summary of Work and Kinetic Energy
Lecture 133: 23.0 Week 8 Introduction
Lecture 134: 23.1 Introduction to Potential Energy
Lecture 136: 23.3 Potential Energy Reference State
Lecture 137: 23.4 Potential Energy of a Spring
Lecture 138: 23.5 Potential Energy of Gravitation
Lecture 139: 24.1 Mechanical Energy and Energy Conservation
Lecture 140: 24.2 Energy State Diagrams
Lecture 142: 24.4 Newton's 2nd Law and Energy Conservation
Lecture 143: 25.1 Force is the Derivative of Potential
Lecture 144: 25.2 Stable and Unstable Equilibrium Points