Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on NIOS Material D.El.Ed.
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Inculcate Learning
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
NIOS Material D.El.Ed. By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Course-501 Block-1 Unit-1 Indian Education System-I | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy/For All Teaching Exams
Lecture 2: Course-501 Block-1 Unit-2 Indian Education System-II | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy/For All Teaching Exam
Lecture 3: Course-501 Block-1 Unit-3 Education as a Fundamental Process | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 4: Course-501 Block-1 Unit-4 Organizational Structure of UEE | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 5: DPEP:- District Primary Education Programme | B.Ed./D.El.Ed./M.Ed./DSSSB/For All Teaching Exams
Lecture 6: Unit-5 Strategies for UEE-I Course-501 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 8: Unit-6 Strategies for UEE-II SSA Course-501 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By @InculcateLearning
Lecture 9: ICDS Scheme | Kishori Shakti Yojna | For All Teaching Exams/DSSSB/D.EL.ED./B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Edu
Lecture 10: Unit-7 Planning & Management of UEE Course-501 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy@InculcateLearning
Lecture 11: Zeichner and Liston’s Model of Reflective Teaching | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearningRavina
Lecture 12: Unit-8 Preparing Teachers for Elementary Education Course-501 Block-3 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 13: Unit-9 Preparing Teachers for Education of Disadvantaged Course-501 Block-3 |D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 14: Creating an Inclusive School | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | Complete Syllabus | PPT Notes | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 15: Philosophy of Inclusive Education | B.Ed. | M.Ed.| Creating an Inclusive School | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 16: Marginalization vs Inclusive Education | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 17: Advantages/Benefits of Inclusive Education | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 18: Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 22: UNCRPD | UN Convention on Rights of PWD | Short & Crisp |NTA UC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning |Ravina
Lecture 23: Jometian Conference, 1990 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy/For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 24: Unit-10 International Scenario in Elementary Education | Course-501 Block-3 |D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 25: Unit-1 Learning and Teaching during Early Schooling | Course-502 Block-1 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 26: Social Learning Theory- Albert Bandura | UGC NET Education | All Teaching Exams| Inculcate Learning
Lecture 27: Thorndike Trial and Error Theory | Theory of Learning | Laws of Learning | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 28: Bruner's Cognitive Development Theory | HTET/CTET/STET/UGC NET/SET| Short Notes | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 29: Pavlov Theory of Classical Conditioning | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 30: Skinner Theory of Operant Conditioning | Learning Theories | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | By Ravina
Lecture 31: Piaget Cognitive Development Theory | CTET/HTET/UPTET/B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 32: Vygotsky Socio-Cultural Theory | CTET/HTET/UPTET/STET/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 33: Unit-2 Approaches to Learning and Teaching | Course-502 Block-1 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 34: Class-20 KVS Pedagogy for KVS PRT/TGT/PGT Competency Based Learning By Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 35: Unit-3 Methods of Learning and Teaching | Course-502 Block-1 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 36: Yash Pal Committee Report (Learning Without Burden), 1993 | Imp. for All Teaching Exams By Ravina
Lecture 37: Unit-4 Learning and Learner Centred Approaches and Methods| Course-502 Block-1 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB
Lecture 38: Unit-5 Management of Classroom Processes| Course-502 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 39: Unit-6 Teaching and Learning Materials | Course-502 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 40: Class-12 HPSC PGT Cooperative Learning By Ravina | M.Ed./UGC NET Education @InculcateLearning
Lecture 41: Class-11 HPSC PGT Preparation & Use of TLM By Ravina | M.Ed./UGC NET Education @InculcateLearning
Lecture 42: Unit-7 Management of Multi-Grade and Multi-Level Situations | Course-502 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB
Lecture 43: Unit-8 Planning Learning Activities | Course-502 Block-2 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy@InculcateLearning
Lecture 44: Class-22 KVS Pedagogy for PRT/TGT/PGT Instructional Plans: Yearly Plan/Unit Plan @InculcateLearning
Lecture 45: Class-23 KVS Pedagogy for PRT/TGT/PGT Instructional Plans: Lesson Plan By Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 46: Unit-9 Integrated Learning Teaching Process Course-502 Block-3 D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 47: Unit-10 Contextualizing Learning Process & Material | Course-502 Block-3 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 48: Assessment in Constructive Process | CHT/IAT/OSSTET/TETs/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 49: Types of Assessment | TETs/CHT/IAT/OSSTET/KVS/NVS/DSSSB/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 50: Assessment of/for/as Learning | TETs/CHT/IAT/OSSTET/KVS/NVS/DSSSB/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 51: Class-29 KVS Pedagogy for PRT/TGT/PGT Assessment for/of/as Learning By Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 52: Unit-11 ICT in Learning | Course-502 Block-3 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 53: Unit-12 Computer Assisted Learning | Course-502 Block-3 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy @InculcateLearning
Lecture 54: Unit-13 Basics of Assessment and Evaluation| Course-502 Block-4 | D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 55: Test Construction | TETs/CHT/IAT/OSSTET/B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 56: Interrelationship & Difference between Measurement & Evaluation | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 57: Need, Scope & Levels/Scales of Measurement | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 58: Difference between Physical & Mental Measurement | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education |Inculcate Learning
Lecture 59: Measurement | Meaning, Definition, Kinds of Measurement | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | By Ravina
Lecture 60: Unit-14 Learning & Assessment |Course-502 Block-4/D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 61: Interview | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 62: Case Study Research Design | Qualitative Research Design | UGC NET Education/SET |Inculcate Learning
Lecture 63: Unit-15 Tools and Strategies of Assessment | Course-502 Block-4/D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy By Ravina
Lecture 64: Unit-16 Using Assessment Results for Improving Learning | Course-502 Block-4/D.El.Ed./DSSSB Pedagogy
Lecture 65: Understanding the Child/D.El.Ed. Course-506/NIOS Material By Ravina @InculcateLearning Imp for DSSSB
Lecture 66: Birth to 2 Years-Understanding the Child/D.El.Ed. Course-506/NIOS Material By Ravina | Imp for DSSSB
Lecture 67: 2 to 6 Years-Understanding the Child/D.El.Ed. Course-506/NIOS Material By Ravina | Imp for DSSSB
Lecture 68: 6 to 12 Years-Understanding the Child/D.El.Ed. Course-506/NIOS Material By Ravina | Imp for DSSSB
Lecture 69: Understanding the Child/D.El.Ed. Course-506 Block-1, Unit-1/NIOS Material By Ravina | Imp for DSSSB
Lecture 70: Heredity and Environment/D.El.Ed. Course-506 Block-1, Unit-1/NIOS Material By Ravina | Imp for DSSSB
Lecture 71: Creative Thinking/Stages of Creative Thinking/Characteristics of Creative Thinker@InculcateLearning
Lecture 72: Developing Personality and its Assessment/D.El.Ed. Course-506 Block-1, Unit-1/NIOS Material/DSSSB
Lecture 73: Developing Thinking Skills | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT | Special Pedagogy Classes@InculcateLearning
Lecture 74: Development of Self | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT | Special Pedagogy Classes @InculcateLearning
Lecture 75: Developing Creativity in Children | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT | Special Pedagogy Classes By Ravina
Lecture 76: Introduction of Inclusive Education | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT |Special Pedagogy Classes By Ravina
Lecture 77: Concept of CWSN | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT | Special Pedagogy Classes By Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 78: Early Identification and Intervention | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT | Special Pedagogy Classes #dsssb
Lecture 80: National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2006 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 81: Development of Adaptive Skills, Assistive Device, Special Therapies | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT
Lecture 82: Gender Issues in Education | NIOS Classes For DSSSB PRT |Special Pedagogy Classes By Ravina
Lecture 83: Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya | Imp for All Teaching Exams by Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 84: Mahila Samakhya | Imp for All Teaching Exams/DSSSB/NIOS by Ravina @InculcateLearning #teaching
Lecture 85: NPEGEL | National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level By Ravina @InculcateLearning