Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on West Bengal SLST Complete Syllabus
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West Bengal SLST Complete Syllabus By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: WB SLST Education Complete Syllabus Marathon By Ravina @InculcateLearning #wbslst #education
Lecture 2: Idealism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 3: Naturalism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 4: Pragmatism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 5: Marxism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 6: Comparison of Idealism, Naturalism & Pragmatism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For Teaching Exams
Lecture 7: Learning | Meaning | Definition | Factors affecting Learning | | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 8: Thorndike's Multiple Factor Theory/Anarchic Theory For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 9: Pavlov Theory of Classical Conditioning | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 10: Skinner Theory of Operant Conditioning | Learning Theories | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | By Ravina
Lecture 11: Insight Learning Theory by Kohler | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 12: Universalization of School Education | PPT notes | UEE | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 13: Vedic Education System | M.Ed | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 - Higher Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 14: Buddhist Education System | M.Ed. | Buddhist Councils | UGC NET Paper-1 Unit-10 | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 15: Schools of Buddhism | Buddhist Universities | UGC NET Paper-1; Unit-10 | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 16: Islamic Education System | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 - Higher Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 17: Macaulay's Minute, 1835 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1Unit-10 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 18: Wood's Despatch, 1854 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 19: Hunter Commission, 1882 | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 Higher Education | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 20: Saddler Commission, 1917 | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 Higher Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 21: Wardha Scheme of Education, 1937 | B.Ed | M.Ed | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 22: Sargent Report, 1944 | UGC NET Paper-1 Higher Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 23: Secondary Education Commission, 1952-53 Mudaliar Commission | B.Ed./M.Ed/UGC NET@InculcateLearning
Lecture 24: University Education Commission, 1948-49 | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 25: Kothari Commission 1964-66 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 26: National Policy of Education,1986 | NPE, 1986 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 27: National Education Policy, 1968 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 28: Swami Vivekananda | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 29: Rabindranath Tagore | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 30: Mahatma Gandhi | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 31: Rousseau | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | SSB PGT Recruitment, Odisha/UGC NET Education
Lecture 32: Pestalozzi | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning
Lecture 33: John Dewey | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | SSB PGT Recruitment, Odisha/UGC NET Education
Lecture 34: Friedrich Froebel | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning
Lecture 35: Difference between Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 36: uidance & Counselling | Meaning, Definition, Aspects of Guidance | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 37: Nature, Need, Importance of Guidance | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 38: Principles of Guidance | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 39: Scope/Domains/Types of Guidance | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Ravina
Lecture 40: Guidance Services | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 41: Counselling - Meaning, Definition, Fundamental Characteristics | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 42: Need, Principles & Types of Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 44: Non-Directive Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 45: Difference between Directive & Non-Directive Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 46: Eclectic Counselling | Types of Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 47: Class-33 KVS Pedagogy - PRT/TGT/PGT Concept of School Mental Health @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 48: Psychosexual Stages of Development | Id, Ego, Superego | Defence Mechanisms | Sigmund Freud | Detail
Lecture 49: Class-27 | Measurement/Assessment/Evaluation | Types of Evaluation | NTA UGC NET Paper-1 | Ravina
Lecture 50: Class-26 KVS Pedagogy for PRT/TGT/PGT Evaluation: Purpose/Types/Limitation Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 51: Test Construction | TETs/CHT/IAT/OSSTET/B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 52: Measurement | Meaning, Definition, Kinds of Measurement | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | By Ravina
Lecture 53: Difference between Physical & Mental Measurement | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education |Inculcate Learning
Lecture 54: Need, Scope & Levels/Scales of Measurement | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 55: Interrelationship & Difference between Measurement & Evaluation | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 56: Class-27 KVS Pedagogy for PRT/TGT/PGT CCE: Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation @InculcateLearning
Lecture 57: Class-1 KVS Pedagogy for KVS PRT/TGT/PGT Exam 2023 | Growth & Development @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 58: Class-2 KVS Pedagogy for KVS PRT/TGT/PGT Exam 2023 | Principles of Development By@InculcateLearning