Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Class 12 Geography NCERT | COMPLETE UPSC PREPARATION
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: OnlyIAS हिन्दी माध्यम
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Class 12 Geography NCERT | COMPLETE UPSC PREPARATION By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: मानव भूगोल प्रकृति एवं विषय क्षेत्र FULL CHAPTER | Chapter 1 | Class 12 NCERT | Geography | OnlyIAS
Lecture 2: विश्व जनसंख्या वितरण, घनत्व और वृद्धि FULL CHAPTER | Chapter 2 | Class 12 NCERT | Geography
Lecture 3: मानव विकास (Human Development ) FULL CHAPTER | Chapter 3 | Class 12 NCERT | Geography | OnlyIAS
Lecture 4: प्राथमिक क्रियाएँ (Primary Activities) FULL CHAPTER | Chapter 4 | Class 12 NCERT | Geography
Lecture 5: द्वितीयक क्रियाएँ (Secondary Activities ) FULL CHAPTER | Chapter 5 | Class 12 NCERT | Geography
Lecture 6: तृतीयक और चतुर्थ क्रियाकलाप (Tertiary And Quaternary ) FULL CHAPTER | Chapter 6 | Class 12 NCERT