Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Java Programming

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Neso Academy
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Java Programming By Lecture Notes
Java Programming By Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: Why take this Java Course?
Lecture 2: Programs and Programming Languages
Lecture 3: Introduction to Java Programming
Lecture 4: Anatomy of Java Program
Lecture 5: Displaying Messages in Java
Lecture 6: Displaying Numbers in Java
Lecture 7: Configuring our Java Development Environment
Lecture 9: Our First Java Project
Lecture 10: Java Packages, Classes, and Methods
Lecture 11: public, private, and static in Java
Lecture 12: The void Return Type in Java
Lecture 13: Command Line Arguments in Java
Lecture 14: Programming Styles
Lecture 15: Programming Errors
Lecture 16: Type Faster in IntelliJ
Lecture 17: Java Exercise - Creating Classes & Methods
Lecture 18: Java Basics - An Overview
Lecture 19: Introduction to Variables in Java
Lecture 20: Variables in Java - Practice
Lecture 21: Constants in Java
Lecture 22: Identifiers in Java
Lecture 23: Introduction to Data Types in Java
Lecture 24: The int Data Type in Java
Lecture 25: The byte, short, and long Data Types in Java
Lecture 26: Integers Data Types in Java - Practice
Lecture 27: Bytes and Values in Java
Lecture 28: The double and float Data Types in Java
Lecture 29: The char Data Type in Java
Lecture 30: The boolean Data Type in Java
Lecture 31: The String Data Type in Java
Lecture 32: Calling String Methods in Java
Lecture 33: Concatenating Strings in Java
Lecture 34: Primitive Types and Reference Types in Java
Lecture 35: Instantiating a String Object
Lecture 36: Strings are Immutable in Java
Lecture 37: The Scanner Class in Java
Lecture 38: Reading Input From the Keyboard in Java
Lecture 39: Java Exercise – Favorite Number
Lecture 40: Java Exercise – Name and Age
Lecture 41: Literals in Java
Lecture 42: The Assignment Operator in Java
Lecture 43: Arithmetic Operators in Java
Lecture 44: Increment and Decrement Operators in Java
Lecture 45: Casting in Java
Lecture 46: The Division Operator in Java
Lecture 47: The Division Operator (Examples)
Lecture 48: Relational Operators in Java
Lecture 49: Logical Operators in Java
Lecture 50: Conditional Operator in Java
Lecture 51: if Statement in Java
Lecture 52: if Statement – Exercise
Lecture 53: if-else Statement in Java
Lecture 54: Nested if-else Statements in Java
Lecture 55: switch Statement in Java
Lecture 56: switch vs if-else in Java
Lecture 57: if-else Statement (Exercise 1)
Lecture 58: if-else Statement (Exercise 2)
Lecture 59: The While Loop in Java
Lecture 60: While Loop – Exercise
Lecture 61: The Do While Loop in Java
Lecture 62: The For Loop in Java
Lecture 63: Nested Loops in Java
Lecture 64: Break and Continue Keywords in Java
Lecture 65: Loops in Java (Exercise 1)
Lecture 66: Loops in Java (Exercise 2)