Electrical Machines (Hindi) - Part 2

Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Electrical Machines

Youtube Lecture Playlist Credits 

So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning 
Electrical Machines By Lecture Notes together!

Lecture Description of this above Topic:

Lecture 61: Braking of DC Motor
Lecture 65: Introduction
Lecture 66: Construction -1
Lecture 67: Construction - 2
Lecture 68: Construction - 3
Lecture 69: Induced EMF - 1
Lecture 70: Induced EMF - 2
Lecture 71: Induced EMF - 3
Lecture 72: Induced EMF - 4
Lecture 90: Salient Pole - 1
Lecture 91: Salient Pole - 2
Lecture 94: Synchronous Motor
Lecture 106: Starting of SCIM
Lecture 107: Starting of SRIM
Lecture 115: Special Machines - 1
Lecture 116: Special Machines - 2
Lecture 117: Special Machines - 3