Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Applications of Newton's Laws

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Applications of Newton's Laws
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is Tension?
Lecture 2: What is Weight?
Lecture 3: Tension and Moving Objects - 1
Lecture 4: Tension and Moving Objects - 2
Lecture 5: Tension and Moving Objects - 3
Lecture 6: Tension and Moving Objects - 4
Lecture 7: Tension and Moving Objects - Conceptual
Lecture 8: Tension=? when "a" is Not Known - 1
Lecture 9: Tension=? when "a" is Not Known - 2
Lecture 10: Tension=? when "a" is Not Known - 3
Lecture 11: Tension=? when "a" is Not Known - 4
Lecture 12: tension on horizontal blocks
Lecture 13: basic incline problem
Lecture 14: incline with 2 blocks
Lecture 15: double ramp
Lecture 16: ramp with block on block
Lecture 17: tension in elevator
Lecture 18: Newton's Second Law
Lecture 19: Newton's Second Law
Lecture 20: Newton's Second Law
Lecture 21: pulley with constant velocity
Lecture 22: accelerating pulley
Lecture 23: Newton's Second Law
Lecture 24: table and pulley
Lecture 25: inclined plane
Lecture 26: sliding block combination
Lecture 27: pulley combination
Lecture 28: video has error, will be remade
Lecture 29: Static and Kinetic Friction
Lecture 30: Frictionless
Lecture 31: With Friction
Lecture 32: Holding a Block Against a Wall
Lecture 33: The Pulley
Lecture 34: The Pulley
Lecture 35: Frictionless Table
Lecture 36: With Friction
Lecture 37: Frictionless
Lecture 38: With Friction
Lecture 39: Why are Pulleys a Mechanical Advantage?
Lecture 40: Pulleys and Mechanical Advantage
Lecture 41: Pulleys and Mechanical Advantage
Lecture 42: With Friction
Lecture 43: Mass on Inclined Plane: Ex.1