Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Chemistry - Electron Orbitals and Atomic Structure

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Chemistry - Electron Orbitals and Atomic Structure
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Electromagnetic Radiation
Lecture 2: Quantum Energy and The Proton
Lecture 3: Source of Electromagnetic Radiation
Lecture 4: Atomic Spectra
Lecture 5: The Hydrogen Atom (The Bohr Atom)
Lecture 6: The Photoelectric Effect
Lecture 7: Photochemical Reaction
Lecture 10: Photochemical Reaction: Atmosphere III: Ozone
Lecture 11: Photochemical Reaction: Atmosphere IV: Ozone
Lecture 12: What is the Mystery of the Atom?
Lecture 13: What is the Wave-Particle Duality?
Lecture 14: Mystery Solved! Electrons=Waves
Lecture 15: The Bohr Atom & Particle Wave Duality
Lecture 16: The Bohr Atom & the Uncertain Principle
Lecture 17: The Electron and the Wave Eq: Part 1
Lecture 18: The Electron and the Wave Eq: Part 2
Lecture 19: The Schrodinger Eq. and the Electron
Lecture 20: What Does Probability Density Funct. Mean?
Lecture 21: Quantized Energy States (1-D Box)
Lecture 22: Quantized Energy States (3-D Box)
Lecture 23: The Schrodinger Eq and the Hydrogen Atom
Lecture 24: The Principle Quantum Number: n
Lecture 25: The Principle Quantum Number (Part 2)
Lecture 26: Radial Probability Density Function: S-Orbital
Lecture 27: The Orbital Quantum Number l
Lecture 28: p-orbital Shapes
Lecture 29: Angular Momentum of the s-Orbital Electron
Lecture 30: Angular Momentum of the p-Orbital Electron
Lecture 31: Orbital [Magnetic Quantum Number] m(l)
Lecture 32: Orbital [Magnetic Quantum Number] m(s)
Lecture 33: The Four Quantum Numbers Summarized
Lecture 34: Pauli Exclusion Principle
Lecture 35: The 4 Quantum Numbers & The Periodic Table
Lecture 36: Quantum # and The Electron Config 1-10
Lecture 37: Hund's Rule
Lecture 38: Quantum # and The Electron Config 11-18
Lecture 39: Quantum # and The Electron Config 19-30
Lecture 40: Orbital Energy Diagram