Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - General Relativity

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - General Relativity
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is General Relativity?
Lecture 2: Comparison to a Magnetic Field
Lecture 3: What is the Equivalence Principle?
Lecture 4: The Equivalence Principle: Proven in 1919
Lecture 5: Warping of Space Illustrated: Ggeometry
Lecture 7: Proof of Theory: Precession of Mercury
Lecture 8: Proof of Theory: Time Shift
Lecture 9: Proof of Theory: Orbital Decay
Lecture 10: Proof of Theory: Gravitational Waves Detected
Lecture 11: Proof of Theory: Gravitational Redshift
Lecture 13: Proof of Theory: Relativistic Frame Dragging
Lecture 17: Black Holes and the Schwarzchild Radius