Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Principle of Least Action

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Principle of Least Action
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is the Principle of Least Action?
Lecture 2: Why the Principle of Least Action?
Lecture 3: Principle of Least Action & Energy Eqn
Lecture 4: Principle of Least Action Equation
Lecture 5: Principle of Least Action: Easy Ex 1
Lecture 6: Principle of Least Action: Easy Ex 2
Lecture 7: Principle of Least Action: Easy Ex 3
Lecture 8: Principle of Least Action: Easy Ex 4
Lecture 9: Alternate Path: Ex. 1
Lecture 10: Alternate Path: Ex. 2
Lecture 11: Practical Application?
Lecture 12: Force vs Energy Equation
Lecture 13: What is the Lagrangian?
Lecture 14: The Harmonic Oscillator: Ex. 1
Lecture 15: The SLIDING Disk (Part 1)
Lecture 16: The SLIDING Disk (Part 2)
Lecture 17: The ROLLING Disk (Part 1)
Lecture 18: The ROLLING Disk (Part 2)
Lecture 19: The Principle Derived (Part 1/4)
Lecture 20: The Principle Derived (Part 2/4)
Lecture 21: The Principle Derived (Part 3/4)
Lecture 22: The Principle Derived (Part 4/4)
Lecture 23: The Alternate Path Revisited
Lecture 24: The Path of Least Action Revisited
Lecture 25: An Alternate Derivation (Part 1/3)
Lecture 26: An Alternate Derivation (Part 2/3)
Lecture 27: An Alternate Derivation (Part 3/3)***