Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Quantum Mechanics

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Quantum Mechanics
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What Is Quantum Mechanics?
Lecture 2: Scientists of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 3: An Initial Breakthrough - The Balmer Series
Lecture 4: Planck and Planck's Law
Lecture 5: Einstein - The Photoelectric Effect
Lecture 6: de Broglie - Wave Theory
Lecture 7: Bohr - Quantized Energy States
Lecture 8: Schrodinger's Equation
Lecture 9: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Lecture 10: What is Pair Production?
Lecture 11: How are Photons Absorbed? 1
Lecture 12: How are Photons Absorbed? 2
Lecture 13: Absorber Thickness
Lecture 14: Absorber Thickness: Example
Lecture 15: The Compton Effect Eqn. Derived Part 1
Lecture 16: The Compton Effect Eqn. Derived Part 2
Lecture 17: The Compton Effect: Scattering Angle
Lecture 18: The Compton Wavelength
Lecture 19: The Compton Effect: Ex. (Part 1)
Lecture 20: The Compton Effect: Ex. (Part 2)
Lecture 21: What is Photon "Mass" ?
Lecture 22: What is Photon "Mass" ? 2
Lecture 23: What is Gravitation Redshift? 1
Lecture 24: Gravitation Redshift: 2
Lecture 25: Gravitation Redshift and Black Holes
Lecture 26: E=mc^2 and the Mass of Proton
Lecture 27: de Broglie Waves
Lecture 28: de Broglie Waves: of Basketball
Lecture 29: de Broglie Waves: KE=? Proton**