Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Advanced Electricity and Magnetism

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Advanced Electricity and Magnetism
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is a Unit Vector?
Lecture 2: Understanding the Components of Vectors
Lecture 3: Direction of a Vector, Direction Cosines
Lecture 4: What is the Position Vector?
Lecture 5: What is the Scalar Product?
Lecture 6: Find the Angle Between 2 Vectors
Lecture 7: What is the Vector Product?
Lecture 8: What is the Differentiation of Vector?
Lecture 9: What is the Gradient of a Scalar?
Lecture 10: What is the Gradient of a Scalar?
Lecture 11: What is the Divergent of a Vector?
Lecture 12: What is the Curl of a Vector?
Lecture 13: What is the Laplacian of a Scalar (Field)?
Lecture 14: What is the Line Integral?
Lecture 15: The Line Integral - Example
Lecture 16: The Line Integral - Example 2
Lecture 17: Vector Element of an Area
Lecture 18: The Surface Integral
Lecture 19: The Surface Integral Example
Lecture 20: The Divergence Theorem
Lecture 21: The Divergence Theorem Example
Lecture 22: Stoke's Theorem
Lecture 23: Stoke's Theorem Example 1
Lecture 24: Stoke's Theorem Example 2
Lecture 25: Cylindrical Coordinates:Point and Unit Vectors
Lecture 26: Cylindrical Coordinates:Area & Volume Elements
Lecture 27: Cylindrical to Rectangular Coordinates
Lecture 28: Cylindrical Conversion: the Del Operator
Lecture 29: Divergence of a Cylindrical Vector Field 1/2
Lecture 30: Divergence of a Cylindrical Vector Field 2
Lecture 31: Del Operator in Cylindrical Coordinate
Lecture 32: Curl of a Cylindrical Vector Field
Lecture 33: Curl of a Cylindrical Vector Field
Lecture 34: Spherical Coordinates
Lecture 35: Spherical Unit Vector Conversions***