Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - The Hydrogen Atom

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - The Hydrogen Atom
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: The Rutherford Experiment
Lecture 2: The Bohr Atom
Lecture 3: What is the Mystery of the Bohr Atom?
Lecture 4: What is the de-Broglie Wavelength?
Lecture 5: How was the Bohr Radius Determined?
Lecture 6: How was the Bohr Radius Determined2
Lecture 7: Other Radii Determined
Lecture 8: How was Orbital Energy Determined?
Lecture 9: R=? E=? v=? Electron Orbit
Lecture 10: Electron Transition in Hydrogen
Lecture 11: Transition Ex. 1 Method 1
Lecture 12: Transition Ex. 1 Method 2
Lecture 13: Transition Ex. 2 Method 2
Lecture 14: Transition in Complex Structure
Lecture 15: Transition in Complex Structure Ex
Lecture 16: Schrodinger in Cartesian
Lecture 17: Schrodinger in Spherical 1
Lecture 18: Schrodinger in Spherical 2
Lecture 19: Schrodinger in Spherical 3
Lecture 20: Schrodinger in Spherical 4
Lecture 21: Schrodinger Eqn. PHI=?
Lecture 22: Schrodinger Eqn. THETA=?
Lecture 23: Schrodinger Eqn. R(r)=?
Lecture 24: Schrodinger Eqn. R(r)=?
Lecture 25: Orbital Quantum Number vid 1
Lecture 26: Orbital Quantum Number vid 2
Lecture 27: Magnetic Quantum Number
Lecture 28: Orbital Magnetic Quantum Number
Lecture 29: Find Orientation of L
Lecture 30: Find Orientation of L: Ex
Lecture 31: What is the Zeeman Effect?
Lecture 32: Calculating the Zeeman Effect
Lecture 33: Zeeman Effect Transitions
Lecture 34: Magnetic Moment in Hydrogen
Lecture 35: What is Spin Quantum Number?
Lecture 36: Spin Angular Momentum=?
Lecture 37: What is the Fine Structure?
Lecture 38: Magn Field of Orbital Motion
Lecture 39: Energy Splitting in Bohr Atom
Lecture 40: Fine Structure H-alpha Line
Lecture 41: What is the Reduced Mass?
Lecture 42: What is the Rydberg Constant?
Lecture 43: The Reduced Mass Correction
Lecture 44: What is the Lamb Shift?
Lecture 45: Angular Momentum Vector J
Lecture 46: Transition State
Lecture 47: What is the Electron Spin-Flip?
Lecture 48: Spin-Flip Energy Difference
Lecture 49: Solution of the Phi Function
Lecture 50: Solution of the Phi Fct: Case 2
Lecture 51: Solution of the Phi Fct: Case 3
Lecture 52: Solution of the Theta Fct
Lecture 53: Solution of the Theta Fct: Case 1
Lecture 54: Solution of the Theta Fct: C2 P1
Lecture 55: Solution of the Theta Fct: C2 P2
Lecture 56: Solution of the Theta Fct: C3 P1
Lecture 57: Solution of the Theta Fct: C3 P2
Lecture 58: Solution of the Theta Fct: C4 P1
Lecture 59: Solution of the Theta Fct: C4 P2**