Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Addition and subtraction | Arithmetic | Khan Academy

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Addition and subtraction | Arithmetic | Khan Academy
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Subtracting: Regrouping from zero
Lecture 2: Borrowing once example 2
Lecture 3: Subtracting 14 - 6
Lecture 5: Adding three digit numbers with regrouping
Lecture 6: Basic addition
Lecture 7: Alternate mental subtraction method
Lecture 8: Subtracting: regrouping twice
Lecture 9: Adding: why carrying works
Lecture 10: Regrouping (borrowing) twice example
Lecture 11: Subtracting: three digit numbers and regrouping
Lecture 12: Borrowing once example 1
Lecture 13: Adding three-digit numbers
Lecture 14: Basic subtraction
Lecture 15: Example: Adding two digit numbers (no carrying)
Lecture 16: Subtracting with regrouping (borrowing)
Lecture 17: Addition 4
Lecture 18: Subtraction 2
Lecture 19: Subtracting two digit numbers without regrouping