Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Decimals | Arithmetic | Khan Academy

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Decimals | Arithmetic | Khan Academy
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Lecture 1: Converting percent to decimal and fraction
Lecture 2: Percentage of a whole number
Lecture 4: Subtracting decimals (old)
Lecture 5: Converting decimals to percents example 2
Lecture 6: Regrouping with decimals
Lecture 8: Decimals: writing it out as a number
Lecture 9: Converting decimals to percents
Lecture 11: Converting decimals to fractions example 2
Lecture 12: Adding, subtracting fractions
Lecture 13: Percent word problem example 2
Lecture 14: Decimals: writing it out in words
Lecture 16: Multiplying challenging decimals
Lecture 17: Percent word problem example 5
Lecture 18: Converting decimals to fractions example 1
Lecture 20: Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1)
Lecture 21: Subtracting decimals example 1
Lecture 22: Adding decimals: example 2
Lecture 23: Adding, subtracting numbers in different formats
Lecture 24: Finding a percentage
Lecture 25: Comparing decimals: place value difference
Lecture 26: Decimals: writing it out in words 2
Lecture 27: Converting fractions to decimals
Lecture 28: Comparing decimals example 3
Lecture 29: Dividing a decimal by a power of 10: shortcut
Lecture 31: Multiplying decimals example
Lecture 33: Identifying percent amount and base
Lecture 34: Ordering numeric expressions
Lecture 36: The meaning of percent
Lecture 37: Converting percents to decimals
Lecture 38: The meaning of percent over 100
Lecture 39: Percent word problem example 4
Lecture 40: Fraction to decimal with rounding
Lecture 41: Dividing by a multi-digit decimal
Lecture 42: Decimal to simplified fraction
Lecture 43: Converting decimals to fractions example 3
Lecture 44: Dividing decimals with hundredths example 3
Lecture 45: Introduction to multiplying decimals
Lecture 46: Converting percents to decimals example 2
Lecture 47: Solving percent problems
Lecture 48: Multiplying decimals word problem
Lecture 49: Dividing a decimal by a power of 10
Lecture 50: Growing by a percentage
Lecture 52: Fraction to decimal
Lecture 53: Dividing a decimal by a whole number
Lecture 54: Rounding decimals: to the nearest tenth
Lecture 55: Adding decimals word problem
Lecture 56: Dividing a whole number by a decimal
Lecture 57: Regrouping decimals example 2
Lecture 58: Significant figures
Lecture 59: More on significant figures
Lecture 61: Regrouping with decimals example 1
Lecture 62: Comparing decimals example 2
Lecture 63: Decimals: expanding out place value
Lecture 64: Number sets 1
Lecture 65: Adding and subtracting decimals word problem
Lecture 67: Multiplying a decimal by a power of 10
Lecture 68: Subtracting decimals: example 1
Lecture 69: Adding decimals: example 1
Lecture 70: Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2)
Lecture 71: Fraction to decimal example
Lecture 72: Decimals and fractions on a number line
Lecture 74: Adding decimals: example 3
Lecture 75: Decimal place value
Lecture 78: Dividing completely to get decimal answer