Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Fractions | Arithmetic | Khan Academy

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Fractions | Arithmetic | Khan Academy
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Lecture 1: Identifying fraction parts
Lecture 2: Converting percent to decimal and fraction
Lecture 4: Equivalent fraction word problem example 4
Lecture 6: Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Lecture 8: Proper and improper fractions
Lecture 9: Equivalent fraction word problem example 3
Lecture 10: Numerator and denominator of a fraction
Lecture 11: Subtracting mixed numbers 2
Lecture 12: Multiplying unit fractions and whole numbers
Lecture 13: Adding mixed numbers
Lecture 14: Dividing mixed numbers
Lecture 15: Adding and subtracting fractions
Lecture 18: Reciprocal of a mixed number
Lecture 22: Converting decimals to fractions example 2
Lecture 23: Visualizing equivalent fractions
Lecture 24: Multiplying two fractions: example
Lecture 25: Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators
Lecture 26: Converting decimals to fractions example 1
Lecture 27: Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1)
Lecture 28: Adding mixed numbers with like denominators
Lecture 29: Adding fractions with like denominators
Lecture 30: Converting fractions to decimals
Lecture 31: Multiplying fractions word problem: milk love
Lecture 32: Dividing negative fractions
Lecture 33: Comparing fractions
Lecture 35: Number sets
Lecture 36: Ordering numeric expressions
Lecture 39: Comparing and ordering fractions
Lecture 40: Fraction to decimal with rounding
Lecture 41: Decimal to simplified fraction
Lecture 42: Converting decimals to fractions example 3
Lecture 45: Dividing whole numbers and fractions: t-shirts
Lecture 46: Adding fractions with different signs
Lecture 47: Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers
Lecture 48: How to multiply mixed numbers
Lecture 50: Equivalent fractions
Lecture 51: Subtracting fractions with like denominators
Lecture 52: Mixed numbers on a number line
Lecture 53: Subtracting mixed numbers
Lecture 54: Fractions in lowest terms
Lecture 56: Fraction to decimal
Lecture 61: Decomposing a fraction visually
Lecture 63: Dividing mixed numbers and fractions
Lecture 64: Number sets 1
Lecture 65: Equivalent fraction word problem example
Lecture 66: Decomposing a mixed number
Lecture 67: Understanding division of fractions
Lecture 68: Plotting basic fractions on the number line
Lecture 70: Word problem: How long is this lizard?
Lecture 71: Equivalent fraction word problem example 2
Lecture 72: Adding up fractions
Lecture 73: Finding common denominators
Lecture 74: Dividing fractions example
Lecture 75: Adding mixed numbers word problem
Lecture 76: Fractions cut and copy 2 exercise example
Lecture 78: Multiplying negative and positive fractions
Lecture 79: Number sets 3
Lecture 80: Subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators
Lecture 81: Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2)
Lecture 82: Number sets 2
Lecture 83: Fraction to decimal example
Lecture 85: Subtracting mixed numbers word problem
Lecture 86: Dividing fractions example 2
Lecture 87: Decimals and fractions on a number line
Lecture 89: Multiplying two fractions: an explanation
Lecture 90: Mixed numbers: changing to improper fractions
Lecture 91: Dividing whole numbers and fractions: potpourri
Lecture 92: Seeing multiplication as scaling with fractions
Lecture 93: Dividing whole numbers and fractions: studying