Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Right triangles and trigonometry | Geometry | Khan Academy

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Right triangles and trigonometry | Geometry | Khan Academy
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Lecture 1: Bhaskara's proof of the Pythagorean theorem
Lecture 2: The Pythagorean theorem intro
Lecture 3: Pythagorean theorem
Lecture 6: Garfield's proof of the Pythagorean theorem
Lecture 7: Basic trigonometry II
Lecture 8: Example: Using soh cah toa
Lecture 9: Pythagorean theorem 1
Lecture 10: Basic trigonometry
Lecture 11: Pythagorean theorem proof using similarity
Lecture 12: Area of a regular hexagon
Lecture 13: 45-45-90 triangle side ratios
Lecture 14: Pythagorean theorem 2
Lecture 15: Similarity to define sine, cosine, and tangent
Lecture 16: Intro to 30-60-90 triangles
Lecture 17: 30-60-90 triangle side ratios proof
Lecture 18: Pythagorean theorem 3
Lecture 19: Example with trig functions and ratios
Lecture 20: How much of a pyramid is submerged
Lecture 21: Angle to aim to get alien
Lecture 22: 30-60-90 triangle example problem
Lecture 24: Pythagorean theorem II
Lecture 25: Another Pythagorean theorem proof
Lecture 26: Introduction to the Pythagorean theorem
Lecture 27: 45-45-90 triangles
Lecture 28: Sine and cosine of complements example