Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Class 11 History | Complete CBSE Course (Part 1)

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Magnet Brains
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Class 11 History | Complete CBSE Course (Part 1)
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Class 11 History Syllabus
Lecture 2: Early Societies
Lecture 3: From the Beginning of Time
Lecture 4: The Positive Feedback Mechanism
Lecture 5: The Story of Human Evolution
Lecture 7: Early Humans - Ways of Obtaining Food
Lecture 9: Early Societies - Epilogue
Lecture 14: Writing and City Life
Lecture 15: Urbanisation in Mesopotamia: Temples and Kings
Lecture 16: Mesopotamia and Its Geography
Lecture 17: Life in the City of Mesopotamia
Lecture 18: Mesopotamia Town Planning - Life in the City
Lecture 19: City of Mari - Writing and City Life
Lecture 20: The Legacy of Writing in Mesopotamia
Lecture 21: Writing and City Life (Timeline)
Lecture 25: Empires Introduction
Lecture 26: An Empire Across Three Continents
Lecture 27: The Early Empire Class 11 (Introduction)
Lecture 28: Roman Empire
Lecture 29: The Third Century Crisis
Lecture 30: Gender Literacy Culture
Lecture 31: Economic Expansion in Roman Empire
Lecture 32: Social Hierarchies
Lecture 33: Late Antiquity
Lecture 34: NCERT Solutions
Lecture 35: Very Short Questions and Answers
Lecture 36: Short Answer Type Questions
Lecture 37: MCQs
Lecture 38: The Central Islamic Lands
Lecture 39: The Rise of Islam in Arabia
Lecture 40: The Central Islamic Lands
Lecture 41: The Umayyads and The Centralisation of Policy
Lecture 43: Breakup of the Caliphate
Lecture 44: The Crusades
Lecture 45: The Central Islamic Lands: Economy, Agriculture
Lecture 46: Learning and Culture - The Central Islamic Lands
Lecture 47: The Central Islamic Lands : Timeline of Events
Lecture 48: The Central Islamic Lands - NCERT Solutions
Lecture 53: Nomadic Empires
Lecture 55: Nomadic Empires : The Career of Genghis Khan
Lecture 56: Nomadic Empires: The Mongols after Genghis Khan
Lecture 58: Nomadic Empires - Conclusion
Lecture 59: Nomadic Empires - NCERT Solutions (Part 1)
Lecture 60: Nomadic Empires - NCERT Solutions (Part 2)
Lecture 61: Changing Traditions - Introduction
Lecture 62: The Three Orders - Introduction
Lecture 64: The Three Orders - The First Order: The Clergy
Lecture 67: A Fourth Order? New Towns and Townspeople
Lecture 68: Cathedral Towns - The Three Orders
Lecture 69: The Crisis of the Fourteenth Century
Lecture 70: Political Changes - The Three Orders
Lecture 71: The Three Orders - NCERT Solutions (Part 1)
Lecture 72: The Three Orders - NCERT Solutions (Part 2)
Lecture 73: The Three Orders - NCERT Solutions (Part 3)
Lecture 74: Changing Cultural Traditions - Introduction
Lecture 75: The Revival of Italian Cities
Lecture 76: The Humanist View of History