Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on CHE: P-10 Physical chemistry-III(e-PGP)

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Vidya-mitra
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
CHE: P-10 Physical chemistry-III(e-PGP)
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Introduction to Classical Thermodynamics
Lecture 2: Zeroth and first law of thermodynamics
Lecture 3: Enthalpy and Heat capacity
Lecture 4: Isothermal and Adiabatic expansion
Lecture 5: Joule Thomson effect
Lecture 6: Thermochemistry and Hess’s law
Lecture 7: Second law of thermodynamics – I
Lecture 8: Second law of thermodynamics – II
Lecture 9: Entropy
Lecture 10: Thermodynamic potential
Lecture 11: Entropy
Lecture 12: Entropy production
Lecture 16: Molecular Reaction Dynamics
Lecture 17: Theoretical Calculation of the Rate Constant
Lecture 18: Electron Transfer Reactions : The Marcus Theory