Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on CHE P-12 : Organic spectroscopy (e-PGP)

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Vidya-mitra
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
CHE P-12 : Organic spectroscopy (e-PGP)
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 5: Applications of UV spectroscopy (CHE)
Lecture 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy (CHE)
Lecture 7: Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy (CHE)
Lecture 11: Introduction to NMR spectroscopy (CHE)
Lecture 13: Chemical shift and its measurement (CHE)
Lecture 14: Factors affecting Chemical Shift (CHE)
Lecture 15: Spin Spin coupling (CHE)
Lecture 17: Simpalification of second order spectra (CHE)
Lecture 18: NMR Spectroscopy of N, P and F - atoms (CHE)
Lecture 20: Basic Concept of 13C NMR (CHE)
Lecture 21: Applications of 13C NMR (CHE)
Lecture 22: Advance NMR Techniques (CHE)
Lecture 24: Terms in Mass Spectrometry , Nitrogen Rule , Rule of Thirteen and Isotopic abundance (CHE)
Lecture 25: General Fragmentation Rules (CHE)