Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Theory of Computation

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: THE GATEHUB
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Theory of Computation By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 4: Design DFA (length of the string is exactly 2 | at least 2 | at most 2) Example 1 | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 5: DFA (Number of a in string is exactly 2 | at least 2 | at most 2) Example 2 | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 6: Design DFA in which number of a in w is divisible by 2 | number of a in w is even | Na(W) mod 2 = 0
Lecture 7: Design DFA in which number of a's and b's both are even | Na(W) mod 2 = 0 and Nb(W) mod 2 = 0| TOC
Lecture 8: Design DFA in which no of a's is multiple of 3 and no of b's is multiple of 2 | TOC | Automata
Lecture 9: Design DFA in which no of a's is multiple of 3 or no of b's is multiple of 2 | TOC | Automata
Lecture 11: Design DFA binary number divisible by 3 and divisible by 4 | GATECS | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 12: Design a DFA in which set of all strings can be accepted which start with ab | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 13: DFA that accepts strings containing "ab" as a substring | DFA Design| TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 14: Design a DFA in which set of all strings can be accepted which ends with ab | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 16: DFA that accepts strings containing "ab" as a substring | DFA Design| TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 17: Design a DFA in which set of all strings can be accepted which ends with ab | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 19: Design DFA in which accepts set of all strings, Second symbol from LHS is a and fifth symbol is b
Lecture 20: Design DFA for L= a^n / n is greater than or equal to 0 , n is not =2, n is not =4 | TOC | Automata
Lecture 21: Design DFA for L= a^m b^n / n is greater than or equal to 0 | DFA Design | TOC | Automata
Lecture 22: Design DFA for L= a^m b^n c^p / m,n,p is greater than or equal to 0 | DFA Design | TOC | Automata
Lecture 23: DFA which accepts strings of form a^3bwa^3 , where 'w' is any string| DFA design |TOC | Automata
Lecture 24: Design DFA for strings that every a is immediately preceded and followed by b | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 26: NFA to DFA Conversion Example 1 | Conversion from NFA to DFA Examples | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 27: NFA to DFA Conversion Example 2 | Conversion from NFA to DFA Examples | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 28: NFA to DFA Conversion Example 3 | Conversion from NFA to DFA Examples | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 31: Introduction to Regular Expression | Regular Language to Regular Expression | Automata Theory
Lecture 32: Regular Expression Solved Examples | Regular language to Regular Expression | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 33: Regular Expression Solved Examples | Regular language to Regular Expression | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 34: Regular Expression Solved Examples | Regular language to Regular Expression | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 35: Regular Expression Solved Examples | Regular language to Regular Expression | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 56: What is Grammar in TOC || GATECSE || TOC