Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Theory of Computation

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: THE GATEHUB
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Theory of Computation By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 62: Removal of Null Production | Simplification of CFG | Elimination of Epsilon production | TOC
Lecture 63: Removal of Unit Production | Simplification of CFG | Elimination of Unit production | TOC
Lecture 64: Removal of Useless Production | Simplification of CFG | Elimination of Useless production | TOC
Lecture 69: CFG to GNF Conversion | Context Free Grammar to Greibach Normal Form Conversion | GATECS | TOC
Lecture 72: CFG to GNF Conversion | Context Free Grammar to Greibach Normal Form Conversion | GATECS | TOC
Lecture 73: Pushdown Automata for a^n b^n c^m and a^n b^m c^n |Theory of Computation | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 74: Pushdown Automata (PDA) for a^m+n b^n c^m | a^n b^m+n c^m | a^n b^m c^m+n | Automata Theory
Lecture 75: Pushdown Automata (PDA) for WCW^r | Odd Palindrome | Theory of Computation | Automata Theory
Lecture 76: Pushdown Automata (PDA) for WW^r | NPDA for WW^r | Even Palindrome | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 77: Pushdown Automata for L=a^n b^2n | PDA for a^n b^2n | Theory of Computation | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 84: Turing machine for a^n b^n | Turing Machine | Theory of Computation | TOC |Automata Theory
Lecture 90: Turing Machine for 1's complement | 2's complement | Turing Machine | Turing Machine as a Transducer
Lecture 91: Turing Machine for addition | Turing machine for addition of two numbers | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 92: Turing Machine For Multiplication|TM for Multiply of two Number|Unary|Turing Machine| GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 103: Countability Example 3 (set of all strings over sigma are countable) | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 104: Countability Example 4 (set of all turing machine's are countable) | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 105: Diagonalization Method (set of all languages are uncountable) | Countability | TOC | Automata Theory
Lecture 109: Homomorphism in Regular Languages | Closure Properties of Regular Language | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 110: Inverse Homomorphism in Regular Languages | Closure Properties of Regular Language | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 111: Substitution in Regular Languages | Closure Properties of Regular Language | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 112: INIT Operation in Regular Languages | Closure Properties of Regular Language | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 113: Quotient Operation in Regular Languages | Closure Properties of Regular Language | GATECSE | TOC
Lecture 114: Infinite Union and Subset in Regular Languages | Closure Properties of Regular Language | TOC