Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Data Structure
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: THE GATEHUB
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Data Structure By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 4: One Dimensional Array Solved Questions | Address Calculation in 1-D Array | Data Structure
Lecture 7: Three Dimensional Array Representation (3D) | Row Major Order | Column Major Order | Data Structure
Lecture 10: Three Dimensional Array Representation (3D) | Row Major Order | Column Major Order | Data Structure
Lecture 15: Linear Search Algorithm with Code & Complexity (Iterative & Recursive) | GATECSE | Data Structure
Lecture 16: Binary Search Algorithm with Code & Complexity (Iterative Method) | GATECSE | Data Structure
Lecture 17: Bubble Sort Algorithm with Code and Time Complexity | Sorting Techniques | GATECSE | Data Structure
Lecture 18: Insertion Sort Algorithm with Code and Time Complexity | Sorting Algorithm | Data Structure
Lecture 20: Selection Sort Algorithm (Part 1) Complexity and Code | Sorting Technique | GATECSE| Data Structure
Lecture 21: Selection Sort Algorithm (Part 2) Complexity and Code | Sorting Technique | GATECSE| Data Structure
Lecture 22: Introduction to Linked List | Advantage and Disadvantage | Need of Linked list | Data Structure
Lecture 24: Traversing a Single Linked List | Iterative Method | Printing the elements | GATECSE |Data Structure
Lecture 25: Insertion of a Node in a Linked List(at beginning, end, specified position)| GATECSE| Data Structure
Lecture 26: Deletion of a Node in a Linked List(at beginning, end, specified position)with code| Data Structure
Lecture 27: Find length of singly linked list | Count no of nodes in Single linked list | Data Structure
Lecture 37: Circular Linked list (Insertion at Beginning, Ending, Specified Position) | Data Structure
Lecture 38: Circular linked list - deletion (from beginning, end, given position) with code | Data Structures
Lecture 41: Deletion from doubly linked list (from beginning,end,specific position) | Data Structures
Lecture 43: Doubly Circular Linked List Insertion (Begin, end and Specified Position) | Data Structure