Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Data Structure
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: THE GATEHUB
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Data Structure By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 50: infix to postfix conversion | infix to prefix conversion | without stack | Data Structure
Lecture 60: Circular queue in data structure | circular queue implementation using array | data structures
Lecture 65: Types of Binary Tree | Full BT | Complete Binary Tree | Almost Complete Binary Tree | Data Structure
Lecture 68: Binary Tree Traversals Example 1 [Shortcut] (Preorder, Inorder and Postorder) | Data structures
Lecture 80: AVL Tree Deletion | AVL tree deletion example with all cases | Deletion in AVL Tree | Data structure
Lecture 81: Introduction to Red Black Tree | Properties of Red Black trees | RB Tree | Data structure
Lecture 85: Breadth First Search (BFS) With Time Complexity| Graph Traversal | GATECSE | Data Structure
Lecture 86: Depth First Search (DFS) With Time Complexity| Graph Traversal | GATECSE | Data Structure
Lecture 91: Chaining in hashing | open addressing | collision resolution techniques | Data Structure
Lecture 92: Linear Probing in Hashing | | Open Addressing | Collision Resolution Techniques | Data Structure
Lecture 93: Quadratic Probing in Hashing || Open Addressing | Collision Resolution Techniques | Data Structure