Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on JavaScript Tutorials for Beginners

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: CodeWithHarry
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
JavaScript Tutorials for Beginners
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Introduction to JavaScript + Setup
Lecture 2: Variables in JavaScript
Lecture 3: const, let and var in JavaScript
Lecture 4: Primitives and Objects in JavaScript
Lecture 5: JavaScript Chapter 1 - Practice Set
Lecture 6: JavaScript Operators and Expressions
Lecture 7: Conditional expressions in JavaScript
Lecture 9: For Loops in JavaScript
Lecture 10: While Loops in JavaScript
Lecture 11: Functions in JavaScript
Lecture 13: Introduction to Strings
Lecture 14: JavaScript String Methods
Lecture 15: JavaScript Chapter 4 - Practice Set on Strings
Lecture 16: Introduction to Arrays
Lecture 17: JavaScript Array Methods
Lecture 18: Some More JavaScript Array Methods
Lecture 19: Using Loops With Arrays in JavaScript
Lecture 20: Map, Filter & Reduce in JavaScript
Lecture 21: JavaScript Chapter 5 - Practice Set on Arrays
Lecture 22: Exercise 1 - Guess the Number
Lecture 23: JavaScript in the Browser
Lecture 24: JavaScript Script Tag
Lecture 25: JavaScript Console Object
Lecture 26: JavaScript Exercise 1: Solution & Shoutouts
Lecture 27: JavaScript alert, prompt & confirm
Lecture 28: DOM, BOM & Window Object
Lecture 29: JavaScript Chapter 6 - Practice Set
Lecture 30: Exercise 2 - Snake, Water and Gun
Lecture 31: Walking the DOM
Lecture 32: Accessing Children of an Element
Lecture 33: Parents & Siblings of an Element
Lecture 34: Element only Navigation
Lecture 35: Table Navigation
Lecture 36: Searching the DOM
Lecture 37: matches, closest and contains
Lecture 38: JavaScript Chapter 7 - Practice Set
Lecture 39: JavaScript Exercise 2: Solution & Shoutouts
Lecture 40: Exercise 3 - Tell me a Joke
Lecture 41: innerHTML, outerHTML and other properties
Lecture 42: HTML Attributes and their methods
Lecture 43: HTML Insertion Methods
Lecture 46: setInterval and setTimeout in JavaScript
Lecture 47: Introduction to Browser Events
Lecture 48: Handling Browser Events
Lecture 49: JavaScript Chapter 8 - Practice Set
Lecture 50: Exercise 3: Solution & Shoutouts
Lecture 51: Exercise 4: Clock using JavaScript
Lecture 52: Introduction to Callbacks
Lecture 53: Callback Hell & Pyramid of Doom
Lecture 54: Introduction to Promises
Lecture 55: Promise .then() and .catch()
Lecture 56: Promise Chaining .then() calls
Lecture 57: Attaching Multiple Handlers to a Promise
Lecture 58: The Promise API
Lecture 59: Async/Await in JavaScript
Lecture 60: Error Handling: try and catch
Lecture 61: The Error Object & Custom Errors
Lecture 62: The Finally Clause
Lecture 63: JavaScript Chapter 9 - Practice Set
Lecture 64: Exercise 4: Solutions & Shoutouts
Lecture 65: Exercise 5: Hackerman
Lecture 66: Fetch API
Lecture 67: Sending POST request with Fetch API
Lecture 68: Cookies in JavaScript
Lecture 69: localStorage & related methods
Lecture 70: sessionStorage & related methods
Lecture 71: JavaScript Chapter 10 - Practice Set
Lecture 72: Exercise 5: Solutions & Shoutouts
Lecture 73: Exercise 6: Todo List
Lecture 74: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 75: Protypes and __proto__ in JavaScript
Lecture 76: Classes and Objects in JavaScript
Lecture 77: Constructors in JavaScript
Lecture 78: Inheritance & extends Keyword in JavaScript
Lecture 79: Constructors in JavaScript
Lecture 80: Constructors in JavaScript
Lecture 81: Static Method in JavaScript
Lecture 82: getters, setters & instanceOf Operator
Lecture 83: JavaScript Chapter 11 Practice Set
Lecture 84: Exercise 6 - Solution & Shoutouts
Lecture 85: Exercise 7 - Password Generator
Lecture 86: IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
Lecture 87: Destructuring assignment and Spread Operator
Lecture 88: local and global Scope in JavaScript
Lecture 89: Hoisting in JavaScript
Lecture 90: Closures in JavaScript
Lecture 91: Arrow Functions Revisited
Lecture 92: JavaScript Chapter 12 - Practice Set
Lecture 93: Exercise 7 - Password Generator Solution
Lecture 94: Exercise 8 - Alarm Clock
Lecture 95: JavaScript on the Server
Lecture 96: npm and Node.js Packages
Lecture 97: Modules in JavaScript
Lecture 98: Using Express.js to Create a Backend Server
Lecture 99: Regular Expressions in JavaScript
Lecture 100: Event Loop in JavaScript
Lecture 101: Exercise 8 - Solutions and Shoutouts
Lecture 103: Project 2: Bulk Rename Desktop App in Node.js