Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Vector Calculus and Partial Differential Equations

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Dr. Mathaholic
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Vector Calculus and Partial Differential Equations By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Session 1:Notion of double integration with d help of single integration, GeoGebra & rainfall exmple
Lecture 3: Session 3: Examples on Iterated integrals & importance of Fubini's Theorem over rectangular domains.
Lecture 4: Session 4: Examples on Iterated integrals & importance of Fubini's Theorem over arbitrary region.
Lecture 5: Session 5: Examples on Change of order of integration and splitting of domains into disjoint unions.
Lecture 7: Session 7: How double integration help us to find area of the region in a plane. Concept & examples.
Lecture 9: Session 9: What are Polar Coordinates? & how Polar Coordinate system is different from Cartesians.
Lecture 10: Session 10: How to solve Double integrals problem using Polar Coordinates. Concept and examples.
Lecture 11: Session 11:Center of Mass, Centroid, Moment of Inertia & Radius of Gyration using Double integration
Lecture 13: Session 13: Problems in Triple integration. Sketching surface using GeoGebra ( Part II).
Lecture 14: Session 14: What and why Cylindrical coordinate system. Examples without and with change of order.
Lecture 18: Session 16: Jacobian matrix whose entries are first order partial derivatives & Jacobian determinant
Lecture 19: Session 17: Substitution in Multiple Integrals: Its importance, Steps to solve and example(Part I).
Lecture 21: Session 19: Problem using substitution in triple integration, find volume of mod(xyz) over ellipsoid
Lecture 22: Session 1: What are vector valued functions and Vector Fields. Examples using GeoGebra software.
Lecture 23: Session 2: Parameterization of a curve.
Lecture 24: Session 3: Tangent and unit tangent vector to a parameterized curve. Examples on sketching tangent.
Lecture 27: Session 6: Divergence operator, examples. Physical meaning of Divergence using Desmos software
Lecture 34: Session 1: Applications of Line integrals.
Lecture 35: Session 2: Parameterization of a curve.
Lecture 44: Session 1: What do you mean Parametrization of a Surface and Grid curves? Examples using GeoGebra
Lecture 45: Session 2: Type 1 on what are Surface Integrals & how to solve when vector field is given
Lecture 46: Session 3: Type 2 on how to solve Surface integral when Scalar field & Parametrized surface is given
Lecture 48: Session 5: Type 4 on Surface Integrals - when and when not to apply Gauss Divergence Theorem.
Lecture 56: Session 4: Solution to 1- dimensional heat (diffusion) equation with zero boundary conditions.
Lecture 57: Session 5: Solution to 1- dimensional heat(diffusion) equation when both ends are insulated.
Lecture 63: Session 10: Steady two dimensional heat equation: Proof, an example and hints for different types
Lecture 65: Heat conduction problem in GATE 2019 examination