Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Ordinary Differential Equations and Multivariable Calculus

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Dr. Mathaholic
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Ordinary Differential Equations and Multivariable Calculus By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Session 1 : What are Differential equations, order, degree and solutions(using GeoGebra) of an ODE.
Lecture 5: Session 4: How to find Half life period, solution of a radioactive substance & radiocarbon dating.
Lecture 9: Session 8:First order Differential Equation is an Exact Differential equation if and only if My = Nx
Lecture 10: Session 9: Integrating Factor to convert non exact differential equation into Exact differential eq.
Lecture 14: Session 13: Second & Higher order D.E + proof & counter example for superposition principle(Part I)
Lecture 15: Session 14: Initial value problem, basis and General solution of DE via Linear Algebra ( Part II).
Lecture 16: Session 15: Reduction to first order of linear Homogeneous 2nd order differential equation(Part-I).
Lecture 17: Session 16: Reduction to first order for D.E of the from F(y,y',y'')=0 and F(x,y',y'') (Part-II).
Lecture 18: Session 17:Connection between linearly independent/dependent and Wronskian in differential equations
Lecture 19: Session 18: Abel's Formula to find Wronskian without actually knowing the solutions of DE.
Lecture 20: Session 19: Second order Homogeneous Linear differential equation with constant coefficients!!
Lecture 21: Session 20:Examples on higher-order homogeneous linear differential equatn with constant coefficient
Lecture 28: Session 27: Concept and Examples on Variation of parameters method for second and higher order D.E.
Lecture 29: Session 28: First order linear system of differential equations with constant coefficients.
Lecture 30: Session 29: Examples on all possible cases of eigenvalues & evectors for a 2x2 system of D.E(Part-I)
Lecture 31: Session 30: Examples on all possible cases of eigenvalues & vectors for a 3x3 system of D.E(Part-II)
Lecture 32: Session 31: How to find Real solutions to system of first order linear differential equations.
Lecture 33: Session 32: Examples on Method of undetermined coefficients for System of Differential equations.
Lecture 34: Session 33: Example on Method of Variation of Parameters for System of Differential Equations.
Lecture 35: Session 34: Basics of Electrical circuits and how to solve using differential equations.
Lecture 38: Session 3: Laplace inverse is linear whereas Laplace inverse doesn't behave nicely with product.
Lecture 40: Session 5:When does Laplace of a function exist? A counterexample to existence theorem of Laplace.
Lecture 41: Session 6: Laplace of 1/square root(t) exist but it is not piecewise continuous. Counterexample!!!
Lecture 46: Session 11: Laplace transform to solve differential equations if INITIAL condition is NOT given at 0
Lecture 47: Session 12: Laplace Transform of INTEGRATION of a function. Examples of Laplace and inverse Laplace.
Lecture 48: Session 13: Unit Step function examples and how to express a function in terms of unit step function
Lecture 50: Session 15:Dirac Delta(Impulse) function. Proof of properties like derivative, integration & Laplace
Lecture 52: Session 17: Solution to Voltera Integral equation using Laplace transform and convolution theorem.
Lecture 53: Session 18: What are periodic functions with examples & Laplace of periodic functions with examples.
Lecture 54: Session 19:Laplace of t^nf(t) is derivative of Laplace of given function f(t) (duality principle).
Lecture 55: Session 20: Laplace Transform of f(t)/t. Integration of Laplace Transforms (Duality principle)
Lecture 56: Session 1: Find and sketch domain of a function for several variables & how to check using GeoGebra!
Lecture 57: Session 2: How to find Level Curves, Imagine Graphs using Level Curves & Finally how to use GeoGebra
Lecture 59: Session 4: Examples on how to show limit do NOT exist using different paths (several variables)
Lecture 60: Session 5: Geometrical meaning for partial derivatives of a function. Also using GeoGebra.
Lecture 61: Session 6: Chain Rule for function of several variable & how branch diagram help to remember formula