Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Univariate Calculus

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Dr. Mathaholic
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Univariate Calculus By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 2: Lecture 2: What is limit of a function along with different kinds of Graphs and Examples.
Lecture 3: Lecture 3: Understanding definition of Continuity of a function using Graphs and Examples.
Lecture 4: Lecture 4: Derivative of function in one variable along with Geometrical & Physical Interpretation
Lecture 5: Lecture 5: Connection between Differentiability, Continuity and Existence of limit at a given point.
Lecture 7: Lecture 7: Local maxima and minima of function. Its connection with Global Extrema and Derivatives.
Lecture 9: Lecture 9: Open, Closed, Bounded & Unbounded Interval. Counterexample to Extreme Value Theorem.
Lecture 10: Lecture 10: Counterexamples to Rolle's Theorem
Lecture 11: Lecture 11: Lagrange Mean value theorem. Geometrical and Physical interpretation with an example
Lecture 13: Lecture 13: Increasing Decreasing functions and its connections with derivatives of a function.
Lecture 22: An example using Jensen's inequality
Lecture 25: Lecture 22: What is so fundamental about Fundamental Theorem of Calculus I? Meaning & examples.
Lecture 26: Question on Application of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Chain rule of composite function
Lecture 31: Lecture 26: Which is bigger? π^e or e^π?
Lecture 39: Lecture 35: Gamma Functions (Non Elementary function). Concept and tricks to solve examples.
Lecture 40: Lecture 36: Beta function (Non elementary function). Properties and hints on how to solve problems
Lecture 43: Session 2 : Arithmetic operations on sequences.
Lecture 44: Session 3: Sandwich/ Squeeze Theorem.
Lecture 45: Session 4: Continuity theorem for sequences.
Lecture 47: Session 6 : Super exponential function grows very rapidly as compared to factorial function.
Lecture 49: Session 8 : Bounded and Monotonic sequences.
Lecture 50: Session 9: Examples on recursive sequences.
Lecture 51: Session 1 : Definition of a series of real numbers in terms of nth partial sums and examples.
Lecture 53: Session 3 : Arithmetic operations on series.
Lecture 54: Session 4 : nth term test for divergent series.
Lecture 58: Session 8: Alternating series test and examples.
Lecture 59: Session 9: Absolute and conditionally convergent series followed by Riemann Rearrangement theorem.
Lecture 63: Session 2:Fundamental period,add-subtraction of periodic,non-periodic functions.Trigonometric series
Lecture 65: Session 4 : Convergence of Fourier series.