Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Linear Algebra

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Dr. Mathaholic
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Linear Algebra By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 2: Any square matrix can be written as sum of Symmetric and Skew Symmetric matrix and that too UNIQUELY
Lecture 3: Tricks to find examples on Symmetric & Skew symmetric matrix. Diagonal entries of sk sym matrix = 0.
Lecture 5: What can you say about determinant of a Skew Symmetric matrix of odd order? Is it Zero? Why?
Lecture 8: Orthogonal matrix & examples. Inverse, transpose, arithmetic operations between orthogonal matrices.
Lecture 9: Rows & columns of orthogonal matrices are orthogonal. Moreover length of row & column vectors are 1.
Lecture 14: How Linear Combination concept evolved from your high school mathematics to Vectors spaces!
Lecture 27: Number of elements in a Subspace are infinite!!
Lecture 30: Is Addition, Scalar Multiplication, Intersection and Union of Subspaces is again a Subspace?
Lecture 33: Basis and Dimension of a Vector space. How can one construct infinitely many basis subsets?!
Lecture 34: Basis and Dimension for Symmetric Matrices of Order n. Precise as well as Shortcut proof!
Lecture 37: An Example on Basis and Dimension of U, V, U intersection V and U + V of a polynomial space
Lecture 38: Rank Nullity theorem for matrices.
Lecture 42: What the word linear means in Linear Transformations. Concept, Examples and some nice Hints
Lecture 45: Linear transformation is one-one function if and only if Kernel contains only singleton zero vector
Lecture 46: Linear map is one one if and only if its onto if and only if its invertible iff bijective
Lecture 48: What are Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors? Concept and examples using linear transformations.
Lecture 51: Some Nice properties of Eigenvalues.
Lecture 54: Does a #matrix always have #real #eigenvalues ?
Lecture 57: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a polynomial
Lecture 60: Algebraic multiplicity, Eigenspaces and Geometric multiplicity. Any connection between them?
Lecture 63: What is, and importance of, diagonalizable matrices. Examples and uniqueness using examples.
Lecture 72: Orthogonal Vectors are Linearly Independent vectors but not conversely. Counterexample as well.
Lecture 73: Orthogonal Matrices may not be Orthogonal!!
Lecture 74: Orthogonal and Orthonormal vectors and its connection with Linearly independent vectors!!