Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on C programming language

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Education 4u
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
C programming language By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: algorithm in c language
Lecture 2: flowchart in c language example
Lecture 3: how to write simple c program | part 1/3
Lecture 4: how to compile a c program | part - 2/3
Lecture 5: executing a c program | part - 3/3
Lecture 6: GCC compilation Step by Step explanation
Lecture 11: data types in C | int, char
Lecture 12: data types in C | floating point
Lecture 13: data types in C | enumerated datatype
Lecture 14: c preprocessor directives | macro substitution, file inclusion and compiler control directives
Lecture 15: operators in c | arithmetic, relational
Lecture 16: operators in c | logical, Assignement
Lecture 18: operators in c | bitwise - part-2
Lecture 19: operators in c | conditional ,special operators
Lecture 20: if statement in c programming
Lecture 21: if else statement in c programming
Lecture 22: nested if else statement in c programming
Lecture 23: else if statement in c programming
Lecture 24: switch case in c programming examples
Lecture 25: for loop in c programming
Lecture 26: while loop in c programming
Lecture 27: do while loop in c programming | nested for loop
Lecture 28: break and continue in c programming
Lecture 29: storage classes in c programming
Lecture 30: arrays in c programming | introduction
Lecture 32: arrays in c programming | one dimensional
Lecture 33: arrays in c programming | two dimensional
Lecture 37: functions in c programming | gets and puts
Lecture 38: functions in c programming | predefined function
Lecture 41: functions in c programming | call by value
Lecture 42: functions in c programming | call by reference
Lecture 43: communication among functions
Lecture 46: pointers and arrays in c programming
Lecture 47: array of pointers in c programming
Lecture 48: pointers and 2d arrays in c
Lecture 49: strings in c programming
Lecture 50: strlen in c programming
Lecture 51: strcpy in c programming
Lecture 52: strncpy in c programming
Lecture 53: strcat in c programming
Lecture 54: strncat function in c
Lecture 55: strcmp function in c
Lecture 56: string library functions in c
Lecture 58: structures in c programming | declaration
Lecture 59: array of structures in c
Lecture 60: pointers to structure in c
Lecture 61: union in c programming
Lecture 62: files in c programming | types of I/O functions
Lecture 64: file opening modes in c
Lecture 65: fprintf and fscanf in c with example
Lecture 66: file handling functions in c
Lecture 67: fputs and fgets in c| file operations