Java Tutorial For beginners (English)

Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Java Tutorial For beginners

Youtube Lecture Playlist Credits 
Channel Name: Telusko

So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning 
Java Tutorial For beginners By Lecture Notes together!

Lecture 1: Java Introduction
Lecture 3: First Code in Java
Lecture 4: How Java Works
Lecture 5: Java Course Update
Lecture 6: Variables in Java
Lecture 7: Data types in Java
Lecture 8: Literal in Java
Lecture 13: If else in Java
Lecture 14: If Else If in Java
Lecture 19: While Loop in Java
Lecture 21: For Loop in Java
Lecture 25: JDK JRE JVM in Java
Lecture 26: Methods in Java
Lecture 45: Constructor in Java
Lecture 55: Packages in Java
Lecture 64: Inner Class in Java
Lecture 72: Enum Class in Java
Lecture 87: Threads in Java
Lecture 94: ArrayList in Java
Lecture 95: Set in Java
Lecture 96: Map in Java
Lecture 100: Stream API in Java