Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Java Tutorial For beginners

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Telusko
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Java Tutorial For beginners By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Java Introduction
Lecture 2: Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup
Lecture 3: First Code in Java
Lecture 4: How Java Works
Lecture 5: Java Course Update
Lecture 6: Variables in Java
Lecture 7: Data types in Java
Lecture 8: Literal in Java
Lecture 9: Type Conversion in Java
Lecture 10: Assignment Operators in Java
Lecture 11: Relational Operators in Java
Lecture 12: Logical Operators in Java
Lecture 13: If else in Java
Lecture 14: If Else If in Java
Lecture 15: Ternary Operator in Java
Lecture 16: Switch Statement in Java
Lecture 18: Need For Loop in Java
Lecture 19: While Loop in Java
Lecture 20: Do While Loop in Java
Lecture 21: For Loop in Java
Lecture 22: Which Loop To Use in java
Lecture 23: Class And Object Theory in Java
Lecture 24: Class and Object Practical in Java
Lecture 25: JDK JRE JVM in Java
Lecture 26: Methods in Java
Lecture 27: Method Overloading in Java
Lecture 28: Stack And Heap in Java
Lecture 29: Need of an Array in Java
Lecture 30: Creation of Array in Java
Lecture 31: Multi Dimensional Array in Java
Lecture 32: jagged and 3D Array in Java
Lecture 33: Drawbacks of Array in Java
Lecture 34: Array of Objects in Java
Lecture 35: Enhanced for Loop in Java
Lecture 36: What is String in Java
Lecture 37: Mutable vs Immutable String in Java
Lecture 38: StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java
Lecture 39: Static Variable in Java
Lecture 40: Static Method in Java
Lecture 41: Static Block in java
Lecture 42: Encapsulation in Java
Lecture 43: Getters and Setters in Java
Lecture 44: This keyword in Java
Lecture 45: Constructor in Java
Lecture 46: Default vs Parameterized Constructor in Java
Lecture 47: This and Super Method in Java
Lecture 48: Naming Convention in Java
Lecture 49: Anonymous Object in java
Lecture 50: Need of Inheritance in Java
Lecture 51: What is Inheritance in Java
Lecture 52: Single and Multilevel inheritance in java
Lecture 53: Multiple Inheritance in Java
Lecture 54: Method Overriding in Java
Lecture 55: Packages in Java
Lecture 56: Access Modifiers in Java
Lecture 57: Polymorphism in Java
Lecture 58: Dynamic Method Dispatch in Java
Lecture 59: Final keyword in java
Lecture 60: Object Class equals toString hashcode in Java
Lecture 61: Upcasting and Downcasting in Java
Lecture 62: Wrapper Class in Java
Lecture 63: Abstract Keyword in Java
Lecture 64: Inner Class in Java
Lecture 65: Anonymous Inner Class in Java
Lecture 66: Abstract and Anonymous Inner Class
Lecture 67: Need of Interface in Java
Lecture 68: What is Interface in Java
Lecture 69: More on Interfaces in Java
Lecture 70: What is Enum in Java
Lecture 71: Enum if and Switch in Java
Lecture 72: Enum Class in Java
Lecture 73: What is Annotation in Java
Lecture 74: Functional Interface New in Java
Lecture 75: Lambda Expression in Java
Lecture 76: Lambda Expression with return
Lecture 77: Types of Interface in Java
Lecture 78: What is Exception in Java
Lecture 79: Exception Handling Using try catch in Java
Lecture 80: Try with Multiple Catch in Java
Lecture 81: Exception Hierarchy in Java
Lecture 82: Exception throw keyword in Java
Lecture 83: Custom Exception in Java
Lecture 84: Ducking Exception using throws in Java
Lecture 86: try with resources in Java
Lecture 87: Threads in Java
Lecture 88: Multiple Threads in Java
Lecture 89: Thread Priority and Sleep in Java
Lecture 90: Runnable vs Thread in Java
Lecture 91: Race Condition in Java
Lecture 92: Thread States in Java
Lecture 93: Collection API in Java
Lecture 94: ArrayList in Java
Lecture 95: Set in Java
Lecture 96: Map in Java
Lecture 97: Comparator vs Comparable in Java
Lecture 98: Need of Stream API in Java
Lecture 99: forEach Method in Java
Lecture 100: Stream API in Java
Lecture 101: Map Filter Reduce Sorted in Java
Lecture 102: Big Update for Java Learners and Trainers
Lecture 103: Var in Java | New Java 10 Feature
Lecture 104: Sealed Classes in Java | Java 17 features
Lecture 105: Record Classes in Java | Java 17 features
Lecture 106: JUnit 5 Tutorial by Hyder Abbas